29 In the model, particles inside the spray zone receive an amount of spray based on the solid fraction and position of the particles. A Bi-conical spray zone is used in the work of Börner et al.30 to model various spray granulators. They validated their model by comparing the ...
To clarify the fuel spray formation process for a swirl-type injector, numerical analyses using both VOF (Volume Of Fluid) model and DDM (Discrete Droplet Model) method are carried out. VOF model is used to simulate the two-phase flow inside the injector and also the liquid film formation ...
H Cao,L Zhang,HUANG Wenqian,S Jia,X Liu 摘要: Aiming at the problem that digital depth model( DDM) for non-navigation can't be directly applied to navigation,a method of the transformation from DDM for non-navigation to navigation based on the fitting surface of depth uncertainty is ...
model:WC67K-30T/1600;Cutting material:aluminum sheet ,mild steel ,carbon steel,stainless steel;Bending thickness:MS 2.3mm / SS1.5mm;Bending Length:1600 mm;Nominal pressure:300KN;Poles distance:1350mm;Slider travel:100 mm;Max open:340 mm;Power:5.5 KW;Di
Considering the complexity of the mechanical properties of the structural plane, it is generally simplified in numerical model, usually adopting rigid or linear deformation model[3,5], but the linear deformation model could not precisely reflect its actual physical and mechanical properties, several ...
Moreover, Brute Force method indicates a larger impacting area, and it brings discrete negative points and some of these points are close to large positive numbers, indicating numerical errors in the model calculation. In comparison, the DDM-3D results are more reasonable. 展开 关键词:...
Matlab-Simulink-Based Compound Model Reference Adaptive Control for DC Motor 123 http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.71758 Hcut, nðsÞ ¼ 1 þ 4sTΣn 8s2T2Σnð1 þ sTΣnÞ : (11) By comparing the equivalent open loop transfer function (Figure 4) with the imposed open...
数字水深模型(digital depth model, DDM)是用深度表达海底地形特征的一种常用数字模型,根据水深点数据组织方式的不同,分为规则格网DDM(GRID_DDM)和不规则三角网DDM(TIN_DDM)。由于GRID_DDM采用内插节点作为模型点,而TIN_DDM采用实...
2.5 Moreover,Brute Force method indicatesalarger impacting area,and it bringsdiscretenegativepointsand someof thesepointsareclosetolargepositive numbers,indicating numerical errors in the model calculation. In comparison,the DDM-3D results are more reasonable. Keywords:PM ;DDM-3D;CMAQ;Brute Force;...