MySQL 5.5 以后的版本默认使用的存储引擎是 InnoDB,它是我们推荐大家使用的存储引擎(因为更适合当下互联网应用对高并发、性能以及事务支持等方面的需求),为了 SQL 语句的向下兼容性,我们可以在建表语句结束处右圆括号的后面通过engine=innodb来指定使用 InnoDB 存储引擎。 show engines\G 说明:上面的 \G 是为了换一...
1、背景 最近公司为了降本,在做presto sql 到 spark sql的任务迁移(体力活 ),作为一个两年多来一直在用presto的sql boy,因为presto本身是针对adhoc场景,所以在平时建表的时候都是简单粗暴的create table table_name as 、 insert into table_name 等等, 最近上线了spark之后,发现了spark在etl的强大,也发现其实...
In the above example, we deleted the "staff" table. Conclusion In this article, we have seen the basics of Oracle DDL - SQL. We have learned how to create a new table, modify an existing table, rename a table, and delete a table. These are the core concepts of DDL in Oracle....
For example, with SQL, it would be instructions such as create table, alter table, ... DML is Data Manipulation Language : it is used to manipulate data itself. For example, with SQL, it would be instructions such as insert, update, delete, ... Share Follow answered Apr 5, 2010 at...
ClickHouse服务启动后,默认会生成一个命名为default的数据库(除了系统数据库之外,不切换数据库创建表默认就是在default数据库创建),数据库就像命名空间,物理上实现了数据隔离,同时有效避免了表命名冲突等问题。通过SHOW DATABASES可以列出当前服务中的所有数据库: ...
In this example, we have addedAUTO_INCREMENTto theidcolumn, making it the primary key. We have also addedNOT NULLto thenameandpasswordcolumns to ensure that they are not empty, andUNIQUEto theemailcolumn to ensure that no two users have the same email address. ...
EXAMPLE: mysql>CREATE TABLE test SELECT * FROM students WHERE Id>5; 以一张表的格式定义,创建一张新的空表 CREATE TABLE TBNAME1 LIKE TBNAME2 修改表: ALTER TABLE tb_name MODIFY #修改字段定义 CHANGE #可以修改字段名和字段定义 ADD DROP
Here is an example showing how robust the PostgreSQL design is in this area (thanks to Nigel McNie for this and the MySQL example below): $ psql mydb mydb=# DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo; NOTICE: table "foo" does not exist DROP TABLE ...
Using Snippets: Example Using the Recycle Bin Debugging Procedures and Functions Database Reporting Data Modeler in SQL Developer 示例: SQL Developer 示例: 5.2 数据库对象 数据库内有各种不同类型的对象,所有的对象都由某人拥有。 某人如HR,拥有的对象就是其模式...
System stored procedures that perform DDL-like operations also fire DDL triggers and event notifications. Test your DDL triggers and event notifications to determine their responses to system stored procedures that are run. For example, the CREATE TYPE statement andsp_addtypestored procedure will bot...