Fig 10. X-ray pelvis with both hip joints in a 10 months old infant showing (a) Tönnis type II developmental dysplasia of the hip; (b) X-ray of same patient 18 months after open reduction performed with a medial approach showing acetabular dysplasia persists; (c) Salter osteotomy was ...
Operation time (total), operation time (femoral side), X-ray fluoroscopy times (total), X-ray fluoroscopy times (femoral side) and intraoperative blood loss were analyzed and compared between the two groups. Comparison of treatment-related indicators such as postoperative neck-shaft angle, ...
工业CT平板可以捕捉到穿过样板的X射线并转换为可以呈现在使用者眼前的图像,可以清晰的看到图像的BGA 焊点、瑕疵以及铸件的裂纹等缺陷。 四、软件及设备结构_方便客户使用 X射线探伤机备结构采用X-Ray平板360度旋转,X/Y轴移动,无需移动载物台即可多角度,多方向观测检测样品。
焊锡珠是表面贴装过程中的主要缺陷之一,造成焊锡珠的原因有很多。这种缺陷在X-RAY影像区内也易于识别,应用X射线探伤机,工业CT,X射线无损检测设备观察测量焊锡珠时,应主要注意其尺寸要求和位置要求,并且不违反电气间隙要求。 d.空洞 空洞在BGA器件焊接后是常见的,因为往往许多BGA器件本身的焊料球就可能带有空洞或气孔...
SIEMENS X-RAY TUBE CHILLER COOLER 2NK6 886 83 95 113 X1935 TIG SPOT WELDER Siemens X77 (S46999-M7-A77) Fiber Optic Fusion Splicer SIEMENS WMM54BC2URNJ 1200 AMP OUTDOOR MODULAR METERING 5 SOCKET Siemens WMK13400RJ Power Mod Meter Stack 1200 A 1 Position 240V JXD63B400 3R Siemens WLS2...
Siemens High Star D5000 Bruker/Siemens XRD X-Ray Diffractometer Siemens Hicom 150E Office Pro Telephone System Very large specification SIEMENS HI PATH DX 12 PORT MESSENGER CARD 1HAC50145AAW Siemens HHLXD63B600 Sentron Molded Case Circuit Breaker (NIB) Siemens HHJD63B400 Circuit Breaker - Recondit...
Superior Electric X-Ray Control Board, Power Stat 1126 Superior Electric M061-LF-408 with 60 day warranty Superior Electric M062-LF-402 with 60 day warranty Superior Electric M061-LS08E with 60 day warranty Superior Electric M061-LS08 with 60 day warranty 5/8 DIA, 5 PITCH X 10.37 CNC ...
Fischer XDVM X-Ray System (LE2028) FISCHER & PORTER 40PB3201A USPP 40PB3201A SIGNED 1ST RARE! Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess HB 1966 +GF+ George Fischer 317 Diaphram Valve PN: 175 317 057 10A5004D FISCHER PORTER Anton O. Fischer Vintage Original Oil Painting Mystery Story Mountain Landscape...
@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 赴约#微博之夜# 进行时。 +1 239427 169607 ñ1088422 1月11日 21:35 来自肖战超话 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 肖米蜜儿 1月11日 22:28 来自Xiaomi 13 wuli战战太帅了!啊啊啊啊 @肖战工作室 卓姿染炽意,星光绽辉芒,与@X玖...
Four thousand two hundred twenty-nine cases with follow-up ultrasonographic examinations and 5284 cases with follow-up X-ray examinations were used to evaluate the false positive rate of the first examination based on the subsequent examinations. The results using classic Graf types and the Z-score...