Tumbleson Composition of corn and distillers dried grains with solubles from dry grind ethanol processing Bioresour. Technol., 94 (2004), pp. 293-298 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [25] Y. Li, L. Wen, S. Li, D. Zhang, B. Lin In vitro and in vivo effects and ...
[19]Belyea R L,Rausch K D,Tumblesonb M E.Composition of corn and distillers dried grains with solubles from dry grind ethanol processing[J].Bioresource Technology,2004,94(3):293 ~ 298. [20]Bremer V R,Watson A K,Liska A J,et al.Effect of distillers grains moisture and inclusion level...
social activities he undertakes for the betterment of the community as a whole.After successfully flourishing in his existing business, he believed in expanding to this new field giving wings to the ideas of his son but supplementing it with his experience and acumen to make it a viable ...
摘 要 DDGS是玉米发酵制取乙醇后的副产品,特点是低淀粉、高蛋白、高有效磷;但由于营养变异大,存在NSP和纤维等抗营养因子,并易受霉菌毒素污染,限制了其在家禽日粮中的大量使用。本文将主要介绍DDGS的营养优势、缺陷、改善措施及在家禽中的应用研究进展。 关键词 DDGS;营养特性;家禽;应用 DDGS(玉米干酒糟...
根據Cromwell (1993),NRC (1998),Spiehs 等(2002)的資料整理 表2 玉米酒糟在豬日糧中的建議添加量(Shurson等,2003;噸haler,2008) 表3 玉米DDGS樣品中6種黴菌毒素的含量 Press Contact 台灣奧特奇股份有限公司 80250高雄市苓雅區四維三路6號23樓A5室 電話:07-335-0107 傳真:07-335-4290 www.alltech.com...
[9] Eri ckson G E, T. J. Kl opfenstein,. Utili zation of corn products i n the beef industry. .nebraskacorn.17pp. [10] Ham G C, R. A. Stock.. Wet corn di still ers' products compared with dried di still ers grai ns wi th sol ules as a source of ...
[2] Belyea R L, Rausch K D, Tumblesonb M E. Composition of corn [8] 冯仰廉. 反刍动物营养学[M].北京:科学出版社,2004 :571-575. and distillers dried grains with solubles from dry grind ethanol pro - [9] Sniffen C J, OConnor J D, Van Soest P J,et al. A net carbohydrate ces...
Belyea R L,Rausch K D,Clevenger T E,Singh V,Johnston D B,Tumbleson M E 摘要: 高蛋白,高能量含量使玉米酒糟及其可溶物成为反刍动物饲粮的独特纽分,但是营养成分含量的变化降低了其质量及市场价值.对于变化的具体原因尚鲜见报道.对中西部植物进行干燥研磨加工工艺中得到DDGS样品,对其进行养分含量及其变异来源...