格鲁曼(Northrop Grumman)集团购并)与通用旗下Bath Iron Works(BIW)造船厂主导,其他参与厂商包括雷松(Raytheon)、洛克希德/马丁(Lockheed Martin)、新港纽斯(New Port News)造船厂与国家钢铁厂(National Steal)。美国海军考量到DD-21是一种从里到外都深具革命性的崭新舰艇,为了降低风险,遂在1998年6月18日宣布参与厂...
Once tensorboard is running, you can access it at the following url:http://localhost:8080. If you are using Google Cloud Shell, you can instead click the Web Preview button on the upper left corner of the Cloud Shell window and select "Preview on port 8080". This will bring up a new...
图画中旁边是一艘柏克Flight 2A飞弹驱逐舰。 New Port News厂的武库舰提案。 值得一提的是,以往美国海军典型的舰艇开发流程,都是先由NAVSEA研究不同作战需求对设计与整体成本造成的影响,然后制订具体的需求并完成一系列草案, 再发包给民间厂商,依照NAVSEA的草案进行细部设计与原型舰建造。然而在武库舰计画中,美国海军...
Files and documents can also be transferred through the micro USB port or the Bluetooth function on the device. The phone also becomes a navigation aid in the form of Nokia Maps which uses GPS support. The device is capable of keeping the user entertained via the inbuilt music player, ...