000Bh External Interrupt 1 0013h Timer 1 Overflow 001Bh Serial Port 0023h Timer 2 Overflow 002Bh External Interrupt 2 0033h External Interrupt 3 003Bh Table 13–1 W78E054D/W78E052D interrupt vector table 13.2 Priority Level Structure There are 4 priority levels for the interrupts high, low....
A return to the old tumblehome configuration, combined with wave piercing technology makes the Northrop Grumman DD(X) design as close to a submarine as a surface ship can be / with the lion's share of the structure actually underwater. The DD(X) design is described as 'wave-piercing,' ...
After training, we can use the same inference command with the new out_dir for inference: python -m nmt.nmt \ --out_dir=/tmp/nmt_attention_model \ --inference_input_file=/tmp/my_infer_file.vi \ --inference_output_file=/tmp/nmt_attention_model/output_infer Tips & Tricks Building Trai...
3. To test the RESTful service, execute the following cURL command in the command prompt:curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{ \"l_empno\" : 7499, \"l_sal\" : 9999, \"l_job\" : \"Director\", \"l_comm\" : 300} Note: You can also use any REST ...
A return to the old tumblehome configuration, combined with wave piercing technology makes the Northrop Grumman DD(X) design as close to a submarine as a surface ship can be / with the lion's share of the structure actually underwater. The DD(X) design is described as 'wave-piercing,' ...