basing complex designs on a model of the domain; initiating a creative collaboration between technical and domain experts to iteratively refine a conceptual model that addresses particular domain problems.。 Demo Site UserName:demoPassword:123456Demo ( Please give meStarif...
RequestParam requestParam = new RequestParam(search_type); Map<String, Runnable> typeActionMap = newHashMap(); typeActionMap.put(“1”, () -> injectParamAsDate(requestParam, search_param, search_param1)); typeActionMap.put(“2”, () -> injectParamAsNumber(requestParam, search_param)); ty...
获取当前用户服务 ICurrentUserService提供顶层接口,供外部实现.从而实现与权限模块解耦. 注意: 次接口仅仅支持单实现,不支持策略 统一加锁逻辑 LockTemplate基于ReentrantLock封装使用,规范加锁使用,支持注解LockMethod. 注意: 当方法过长,逻辑复杂需要较多资源时,应该使用手动加锁的方式或拆分逻辑 ...
center Maven工程模块说明: 对外SDK 1. b2b-baseproject-sdk 对外sdk工程; 1.1 b2b-baseproje...
域驱动设计(DDD)是一种通过将实现与不断发展的模型相连接来满足复杂需求的软件开发方法。域驱动设计的前提如下: 将项目的主要重点放在核心领域和领域逻辑上; 将复杂的设计基于领域模型; 启动技术专家和领域专家之间的创造性合作,以迭代方式完善解决特定领域问题的概念模型。
{ "GlobalConfiguration": { "BaseUrl": "http://apigateway:10000", "ServiceDiscoveryProvider": { "Host": "discoveryservice", "Port": 8500, "Type": "Consul" } } } If you want to see whether or not multiple instances of the service are registered with the discovery service, point your...
1 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) 2 { 3 services.AddCap(x => 4 { 5 x.UseEntityFramework(); 6 x.UseRabbitMQ(""); 7 x.UseDashboard(); 8 x.FailedRetryCount = 5; 9 x.FailedThresholdCallback = failed =>10 {11 var logger = failed.ServiceProvider.Get...
单2B DDD)tobe doin soe"talkin"nhrusd mphs to record() the tonato plants in different places Their recordings revealed that the schanged their recordings so that humans could hear they heard clicking() sounds As the scientists studied they found the plants hardiy chcked when they had enough...
(Internet Service Provider) 因特网服务提供商 39 J JAD(Joint Application Design) 联合应用程序设计 Jerk 乱窜 Jitter 抖动 Job file 作业文件 Job management 作业管理程序 Junk mail 垃圾邮件 Justification range 调整范围 40 K Key field 关键字字段 Key search 关键字查找 Keyboard 键盘 Keyboard console 键盘...
// 具体实现接口的方法namespace SmartAdmin.Service{publicclassCompanyService:Service<Company>,ICompanyService{privatereadonly IDataTableImportMappingService mappingservice;privatereadonly ILogger<CompanyService>logger;publicCompanyService(IDataTableImportMappingService mappingservice,ILogger<CompanyService>logger,ITra...