E. 注册分布式缓存服务,支持redis【Caching.CSRedis】 //注册EF上下文builder.Services.AddDbContext<UserDbContext>(b => {stringconnStr = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("SQLServerStr"); b.UseSqlServer(connStr); });//注册全局过滤器builder.Services.Configure<MvcOptions>(opt => { opt.Filters....
public static void RegisterServices(IServiceCollection services) { // 注入 Application 应用层 services.AddScoped<IStudentAppService, StudentAppService>(); // 注入 Infra - Data 基础设施数据层 services.AddScoped<IStudentRepository, StudentRepository>(); services.AddScoped<StudyContext>();//...
Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET 7, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code...
cloud-gateway -- 服务网关 ├ ├── dante-cloud-message -- 消息服务 ├ ├── dante-cloud-monitor -- Spring Boot Admin 监控服务 ├ ├── dante-cloud-upms -- 统一权限管理系统服务 ├ └── dante-cloud-uaa -- 账户管理和统一认证模块 ├── services -- 平台业务服务 ├ ├── dante-...
application\services\UserService.go packageservicesimport("dbTest/srcddd/application/assembler""dbTest/srcddd/application/dto""dbTest/srcddd/domain/repos""dbTest/srcddd/domain/valueobjs") type UserService struct { AssUserReq *assembler.UserReq ...
打开startup.cs 在 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) 注册服务 services.AddScoped<IRepositoryX, RepositoryX>(); services.AddScoped<ICustomerService, CustomerService>(); 更新数据库 EF Core Code-First 同步更新数据库 在 Visual Studio.Net Package Manager Controle 运行 PM>:add-mi...
4)Domain Design:Bounded Context, Aggregate, Entites, Value Object, Services, DomainEvents(领域事件是用来捕获领域中发生的具有业务价值的一些事情), Factories, Repositories 5)Unified Modling Language 6)COLA Architecture 实现 1、声明Command Bus Command.java public class CommandBus { private final Handlers...
services: # https://hub.docker.com/r/xuchengen/rocketmq # 注意修改项; # 01:data/rocketmq/conf/broker.conf 添加 brokerIP1= # 02:data/console/config/application.properties server.port=9009 - 如果8080端口被占用,可以修改或者添加映射端口 ...
文件:docs/rocketmq/rocketmq-docker-compose-mac-amd-arm.yml - 关于安装小傅哥提供了不同的镜像,包括Mac、Mac M1、Windows可以按需选择使用。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 version:'3'services:# https://hub.docker.com/r/xuchengen/rocketmq ...
A model of the problem space composed of Entities, Interfaces, Services, and more. 实体、接口、服务 所组成的领域问题空间模型 Interfaces define contracts for working with domain objects Everything in the application (including infrastructure and data access) depends on these interfaces and domain objec...