逆穿左侧股总动脉,翻山鞘造影:右侧股浅动脉近段血流缓慢,中远端闭塞,股深动脉、腘动脉显影尚可,膝下胫前动脉、胫后动脉以及腓动脉流速缓慢。 V-18导丝配合TrailBlazer支撑导管开通闭塞段失败,更换Connect-250T导丝后实现真腔开通,导管跟进困难,...
报告重点展示了我们如何将可持续发展理念融入课程体系,助力毕业生和终身学习者在绿色经济中发展;我校专家在各个可持续发展领域取得的研究突破及其与业界和其他机构的合作;以及我们在建筑基础设施和运营脱碳方面的进展。 2024年9月,第二届新加坡国立大学可持续发展联结活动 (NU...
Note 1: For applications where the GPU or Sink does not support clock stretching the DDC lines from the GPU/DP TX should bypass the SCL_SRC and SDA_SRC but still connect to the SCL_SNK and SDA_SNK pins on the DP159. Note that if the GPU/DP TX cannot support the 5V DDC lines fro...
The SN2100 is part of Mellanox’s complete end-to-end solution which provides 10GbE through 100GbE interconnectivity within the data center. Other devices in this solution include ConnectX ®-4 based network interface cards, and LinkX ® copper or fiber cabling. This end-to-end solution ...
Note 1: For applications where the GPU or Sink does not support clock stretching the DDC lines from the GPU/DP TX should bypass the SCL_SRC and SDA_SRC but still connect to the SCL_SNK and SDA_SNK pins on the DP159. Note that if the GPU/DP TX cannot support the 5V DDC lines fro...
https://connect.huaweicloud.com/courses/learn/C101732261970505550/about 2.云主机实践指导 (a)基于鲲鹏服务器的打砖块小游戏部署 https://bbs.huaweicloud.com/blogs/439955 (b)基于FunctionGraph的画图应用开发部署 https://bbs.huaweicloud.com/...
基于MIB3+Asterix全新奥迪互联平台打造的Audi connect互联系统,让车主及乘客同时享有高度智能化的触控体验与无缝顺畅的交互体验及全面领先的智能体验。前排座椅背面搭载两块10.1英寸全高清显示屏,供乘客投放移动设备内容,也可通过流媒体平台、电视媒体库或蜂窝网...
SNCF Connect-火车 相信很多小伙伴都已经听过甚至熟知的APP,这款APP的地位相当于国内的铁路12306。坐火车必备APP, 这款法国铁路局开发的APP可以帮助乘客轻松查票,订票,验票。 FlixBus-巴士 在欧洲,很多国家之间距离近,是可以直接乘巴士的。这款APP专门是用来查巴士...
Syniffix的核心平台GlycoConnect™,就是基于糖基化的定点偶联技术平台。 GlycoConnect™,通过将有效载荷锚定到抗体的 N297的聚糖上,实现高效的定点偶联。通过对每个 N-聚糖进行糖苷内切酶修饰和精确的一个叠氮化物标记,引入了一个独特的锚点,用于与有效负载的无铜...
Note 1: For applications where the GPU or Sink does not support clock stretching the DDC lines from the GPU/DP TX should bypass the SCL_SRC and SDA_SRC but still connect to the SCL_SNK and SDA_SNK pins on the DP159. Note that if the GPU/DP TX cannot support the 5V DDC lines fro...