Data Device Corp. (DDC) has added a data-reconstructionfunction to its dataSIMS avionics data-bus test and analysis software (version4.1 and later). The company claims that the reconstruction mode opens up a newrealm of bus analysis and troubleshooting capabilities. ...
定货信息: BU-65570M1-300 单通道双余度 (含配套输出电缆) 包含软件: BUS-69065S0 Win95/98/NT/2k 仿真测试软件 BUS-69068S0 Win 95/98/NT/2k DLL/驱动软件 BUS-69067S0 DOS Library Wind3.1x DLL 可选软件: dataMARS 和 dataSIMS 软件
dataMARS 和 dataSIMS 软件 三、BU-65569I MIL-STD-1553 PCI接口卡 定货信息: BU-65569I1-300 1 个双余度通道 BU-65569I2-300 2 个双余度通道 BU-65569I3-300 3 个双余度通道 BU-65569I4-300 4 个双余度通道 包含软件(免费) ACE Runtime Library and MENU BUS-69082S0 32 位函数库(WIN9X) B...
This 'Semi-structured Interview of Moral cognitionS' (SIMS) is a synthesis of our experience and research inthe fields of clinical/forensic psychology and forensic psychiatry. As an interview the SIMS aims to make thenon-understandable understandable and to demystify serious acts of violence. The '...
# 创建数据集set.seed(123)n<-100X<-rnorm(n)M<-0.5*X+rnorm(n)Y<-2*X+0.3*M+rnorm(n)data<-data.frame(X=X,M=M,Y=Y)# 进行中介效应分析<-lm(Y~X+M,data=data)med.result<-mediate(,treat="X",mediator="M",boot=TRUE,sims=1000)summary(med.result) ...
This project uses Google Protocol Buffers to pass data between the sim and the UI. TLDR; Describe data structures in .proto files, and the tool can generate code in any programming language. It lets us avoid repeating the same code in our Go and Typescript worlds without losing type safety...
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic simulations. - wotlk/proto/ui.proto at 0c0928253b45ddc6cf41feb22aeef87cf72a6d3b · wowsims/wotlk
In the telecommunications network, it can detect and accurately identified by segment performance monitoring technology segment caused confusion along telecommunication connection data or data deterioration. 段性能监视技术包括产生、发送、和分析特定的数据分组,这些数据分组一个节点一个节点地经历整个电信连接。
朱砂根又名大罗伞、凉伞遮金珠。载《本草纲目》。系紫金牛科植物朱砂根ardisia crenata sims的干燥根。秋季采挖,洗净,晒干。或趁鲜切片,晒干。 朱砂根 朱砂的炮制方法 朱砂为硫化物类矿物辰砂族辰砂cinnabar,主含硫化汞 朱砂 桑叶的主要应用病症 (1)风热感冒,温病初起。常与菊花相须为用,如桑菊饮。 (2)肺热咳嗽...