With over *** years experience in the design, service andrepair of a wide range of Commercial, Institutional level HVAC, Refrigeration and DDC systems, you could have rarelymatched experience that your team can rely on to ensure the very difficult, highly technical and in many cases long ...
MSEA-B系列控制盘是使用江森自控的Metasys系列控制产品设计的现场直接数字控制盘(DDCP) 控制盘安装于IP55/IP33铁箱内,除了FEC控制器,控制箱内还包括低压接线端子块以及电源部分,电源部分包括一个6A的断路器,一个220-240/24VAC变压器和可选的24VDC电源。 MAEA-B系列控制盘产品主要设计用于亚洲的HVAC市场的一般应用。
HVAC – DDC Controls – General Contracting – Refrigeration – Plumbing – Piping Home Pettus Plumbing & Piping, Inc. was started in 1983 with two employees, one vehicle and a home office. Since that time, Pettus has exponentially expanded our portfolio of services to include commercial Plumbin...
We gathered the necessary people and partnerships to provide a one-stop shop for all your HVAC needs. Started in response to customer requests for true multi-vendor support for all control systems from apartment building heating controls through whole building automation, Tri-Star can supply ...
Modern Systems Management Ltd. has acquired an extensive building base of installed equipment through our professionalism and expertise. We provide top quality solutions for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) temperature controls systems in commercial buildings, as well as many other building...
许多厂商生产用于简单设备如VAV终端的控制器,但只有为数不多的厂商愿意生产较大型HVAC设备如冷水机及相关水泵、冷却塔的专用控制器。部分原因是相比大楼内所需的照明或风机盘管DDC数量而言,一对一应用会需要较多的实现冷水机组内不同控制功能的DDC,但数量较少,达不到一定数量自然意味着大型设备的专用DDC 很昂贵,因此...
5、与传感器和执行器构成完整的控制系统 DX-9100控制器及其扩展模块配备了一系列的传感器、执行器、控制阀门,可控制冷冻机组,HVAC空调系列及其它制冷采暖设备。它不但能接受变送器送出的0~10V电压和Johnson Controls无源温度传感器所输出的信号,也能接收工业标准的4~20mA信号;控制的输出,不但能控制比例式及增量式电子...
Direct Digital Controls (DDC) APPLICATION GUIDE DDC Application Guide for Paragon HVAC Series Introduction This guide will provide a brief overview of how to control and monitor key aspects of a Paragon HVAC Unit when using a third party Building Management System (BMS). It will cover controlling...
控制盘安装于ip55/ip33铁箱内,除了fec控制器,控制箱内还包括低压接线端子块以及电源部分,电源部分包括一个6a的断路器,一个220-240/24vac变压器和可选的24vdc电源。 maea-b系列控制盘产品主要设计用于亚洲的hvac市场的一般应用。它在材料选择上充分考虑了客户的具体应用以及本地工业和法规上的需求。
Computrols offers a complete product line of DDC controllers for HVAC, access control, and fire alarm, all with a lifetime warranty.