Majority of the research in multilevel secure database management systems (MLS/DBMS) focuses primarily on centralized database systems. However, with the demand for higher performance and higher availability, database systems have moved from centralized to distributed architectures, and the research in...
By right of its inherent features and design goal,distributed and parallel database management system(DPDBMS) meets the trend of demand. 分布式并行数据库管理系统恰好以其固有特性和设计目标,顺应了数据库应用的发展趋势;同时,应用领域也给分布式并行数据库管理系统的高性能和可靠性等提出了更高的要求。
In any distributed database system, the designer should ensure that all the stated transparencies are maintained to a considerable extent. The designer may choose to fragment tables, replicate them and store them at different sites; all oblivious to the end user. However, complete distribution trans...
Query Optimization in Distributed Concurrency Control Transaction Processing Systems DDBMS - Controlling Concurrency DDBMS - Deadlock Handling Failure and Recovery DDBMS - Replication Control DDBMS - Failure & Commit DDBMS - Database Recovery Distributed Commit Protocols Distributed DBMS Security Database Secur...
Summary Security issues in Distributed Databases are more complex as compared to Centralized Databases. But they can be taken care of through careful study. Future Right now, RDBMS is a better choice for distributed applications. OODBMSs are much more difficult to implement in a distributed environm...
Related Terms DBMS (Database Management System) Relational Database Management System Distributed Database Data Multidimensional Database Management System Object-Relational Database Management System Active Database Management System Database Manager Object-Oriented Database Management System...