3.0 brings a lot of new innovations to the armor chart: a formal division between light, medium, and heavy armors, maximum Dexterity bonus, armor check penalties that applied to everyone’s skills, arcane spell failure (so you could cast arcane spells in armor if you were willing to risk ...
why are we even bothering), that means that the fireball is actually almost always worth it against any group of minions. Area spells become so much more effective against 1 HP minions that anyone who crunches
When you get to the last combatant in the round they can choose from anyone, including themselves. Spells with a duration measured in rounds count down at the end of each round and expire at the end of the round after they reached zero, not when they reach zero. This ...
I really wish this was Extra Attack. Sadly, we’re left with a minor damage boost to any spells we cast. If the subclass had access to Magic Missile as an artificer spell, this would be great, as we could apply the 1d8 to each bolt, but instead our Firebolt will have its damage in...
There are a few things that are need-to-know from the outset-- character stats, hit points, the other basics of combat (armor, rolling to hit) and, for spell casters, their spells. But other than those, the detailed mechanics can probably wait until such tim...
Staff of Striking–If you’ve always wanted a staff without spells to hit people with and you can’t hold the staff of power, look no further. It even lets you throw a bit of damage on top of each hit. [Very Rare] Staff of the Magi–If you’re able to use this staff you want...
Partial 5e compendium support added for spells by user:legendblade # v1.1.3 - 3rd Apr 2016 Added default roll options pane (accessible through the gear at the top-right of the character sheet header) and a "Use Default" option to each roll configuration panel. 1 change: 1 addition & 0...
5e-SRD-Spells.json 5e-SRD-StartingEquipment.json 5e-SRD-Subclasses.json 5e-SRD-Subraces.json 5e-SRD-Test.json 5e-SRD-Traits.json 5e-SRD-Weapon-Properties.json README.md addsubclasses.js fill-in-features.js helper.js namer.js objectifier.js ...
(though I’m of the opinion that this is no change over the PHB Ranger). It now gets its own turn in initiative order rather than sharing with the Ranger, and also benefits from Ranger features like Natural Explorer and Favored Enemy, though still doesn’t benefit from spells like Hunter...
Monoclassed sorcerers are on the weaker end of classes when it comes to taking advantage of obscurement, as they lack a powerful attack option and often want to concentrate on other powerful spells. This can be partially fixed by a dip into warlock for the Eldritch Blast/Agonizing Blast combo...