IndustrialAirdivision TSC2006–GA15/22 SlideNo:1Of160 GA15–22Model2006 Trainingobjectives Aftercompletingthismodulethestudentwilldemonstrateanunderstandingof:➢Toknowandunderstandthebuildupofthecompleteunit.➢Understandtheoperationofthecompressor.➢Air/oilcircuit,electricaldiagram ➢Knowthesubjectswhichneed...
The exhaust flow 2 introduced into the dehumidifying device 30 is led to the exhaust air passage 4 after flowing through the radiator 32. [Selection diagram] Fig. 3福本 将秀重信 剛也末広 善文清本 訓央
and a treated gas supply line 82.A portion of the compressed air generated by the air compressor 11a of the gas turbine 11 flows as a bleed air Ba to the bleed air line 85.The ammonia decomposing apparatus 50 uses the bleed air BA from the bleed air line 85 as an oxidizing agent to...