8. Gasoline fuel injection system control failure failure The black smoke of the engine through the high pressure oil pump adjustment, fuel injector spray test to check the cylinder compression pressure measurement, inlet cleaning, fuel supply advance angle adjustment, gasoline fuel injection system fai...
A high-performance and high-reliability scroll compressor which prevents seal property failure at seal necessary points, tooth tip contact, abnormal wear of an elastic body, fatigue failure, etc. A radially outward peripheral projection (4c) is formed on the full outer peripheral surface of a sepa...
C. 燃油增压泵电门 Fuel Boost Pump Switch D. 液压泵 Hydraulic pump 查看完整题目与答案 机长在得到开车指令之后,应立即关闭舱门,舱单只要在起飞前确认即可。After getting the clearance of engine start, the captain shall close the door immediately, the load-sheet can be confirmed before takeof...