My date format is now 01-Oct-2024, how can i use excel formula to change to 01/10/2024 dd/mm/2024Excel Excel A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data. 1,931 questions Sign in to follow Excel Management Excel...
I am able to show date field value in gridview in dd MMM yyyy (29 Oct 2015). After export to Excel, the date field value format is changing to dd-MMM-yy ( 29-Oct-15).Is it possible to preserve the same format of gridview in exported excel as 29 Oct 2015?Could ...
, format(getdate(),'dd-MMM-yyyy')asResult 脚本运行结果:
,replace(convert(varchar(30),getdate(),106),'','-')asResult--sql server 2012及以上(如sql 2012 / 2014 / 2016)setlanguage US_ENGLISHselectgetdate()asNowTime , format(getdate(),'dd-MMM-yyyy')asResult 脚本运行结果: