object Form1: TForm1 Left = 258 Top = 178 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = #28857#28783#28216#25103 ClientHeight = 328 ClientWidth = 330 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name =...
Add H3 layers (#2808) Fix onAfterUpdate callback in tests (#2801) Fix non-iterable support in tesselators (#2811)deck.gl [v7.0.0-alpha.6] - Mar 18 2019Line layer api update (#2723) TileLayer API audit (#2799) Add deck instance to layer context (#2805) Consolidate cell layers ...
EasForm.cs QuickChargingForm.cs Entity EntityEditForm.cs MainForm MainForm.cs RfidExtension.cs Properties AssemblyInfo.cs Reader RfidPatronCardDialog.cs Util RfidToolForm.cs dp2Circulation.csproj 10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions 10 DigitalPlatform.RFID/ChipMemory.cs Show ...
原装配件 五菱宝骏510 530 560 730汽车智能遥控器钥匙电池CR2032 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Ozs7OzZqZw==] 松下原版 适用 2020款 比亚迪宋PLUS 汽车钥匙遥控器纽扣电池电子 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#bW1tbWA2ZT8bNoAxUAxQOUUyqDzVP0UNng94NXkN3TBdOt49gzdgPIw9CjnlMqw7GjXHO149STOdPNw=] 4S店专用 适用 2015-2021...
新建{{ dialog1FormType==1?'分组':dialog1FormType==2?'标签':dialog1FormType==3?'级别':dialog1FormType==4?'状态':'' }} 取消 保存 {{ el.name }} 删除 编辑 取消 保存 确定 取消 联系人 手机 电话 邮箱 职务 {{ index+1 }}{{ el.contact ? el.contact : '-' }} {{ el....
Problem: it is possible to use a general purpose other than the weight measurement by the weight measuring apparatus, and to prevent inappropriate operation of the data received from the connected external equipment. A printing label producing apparatus 100 includesReceive buffer 48A holding the ...