消息:在’%s’中找不到记录 错误:1033SQLSTATE: () HY000 ER_NOT_FORM_FILE 消息:文件中的信息不正确:’%s’ 错误:1034SQLSTATE: () HY000 ER_NOT_KEYFILE 消息:表’%s’的密钥文件不正确; 尝试修复它 错误:1035SQLSTATE: () HY000 ER_OLD_KEYFILE 消息:表’%s’的旧密钥文件; 修好吧! 错误:1036S...
📝 Add custom body with variable example [40d230a] 2.9.0 (2023-01-02) Added ✨ (auth) Add custom OAuth provider support [b9d3893] ✨ (typebot-js) Add setHiddenVariables command [99850dd] Changed ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies [ec7481d] 🚸 Only show onboarding modal on cloud ma...
📝 Add custom body with variable example [40d230a] 2.9.0 (2023-01-02) Added ✨ (auth) Add custom OAuth provider support [b9d3893] ✨ (typebot-js) Add setHiddenVariables command [99850dd] Changed ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies [ec7481d] 🚸 Only show onboarding modal on cloud ma...
* The output will be grouped by PHP binary, example: * * $ php datadog-setup.php config get --php-bin all \ * -ddatadog.profiling.experimental_allocation_enabled \ * -ddatadog.profiling.experimental_cpu_time_enabled \ * -dnonexisting \ * -dopcache.preload * datadog.profiling...
检查;诊察 820.example n. 例子;榜样 821.excellent adj. 极好的,优 秀的 822.except prep. 823.exchange n. 除……之外 交换, 掉换; 交 流 824.excite vt. 使兴奋,使激动 825.excuse n. 借口 . 辩解 vt. 原 谅 . 宽恕 826.exercise n. 锻炼, 做操; 练 习,习题 vi. 锻炼 827.exhibition n....
84 A good example is the best sermon. 身教胜似言教。 85 A good face is a letter of recommendation. 好的相貌就是一封推荐的介绍信。 86 A good face needs no paint. 美貌无需擦脂抹粉。 87 A good fame is better than a good face....
等等 816 price [prais] n 价格,价钱 817 example [ig'zɑ:mpl] n 例子,榜样 818 for example phr. 例如 819 stand [stænd] v 站,立 820 field [fi:ld] n 地,田地 821 one day phr.(过去或将来)有一天,某一天 822 job [dʒɔb] n 工作 823 bright [brait] adj 明亮的,灿烂的 ...
1423 everybody ['evrib ɔdi] pron 每人,人人 1424 sooner or later phr. 迟早 1425 drop [dr ɔp] n & v 滴,水滴 掉下,落下 1426 run away phr. 逃跑 1427 as [æz] conj 因为,由于 1428 eat up phr. 吃完,吃光 1429 bank [bæ ŋk] n ...
Safe access to the GIL, for example via Python::with_gil, is now locked inside of implementations of the __traverse__ slot. #3168RemovedRemove all functionality deprecated in PyO3 0.17, most prominently Python::acquire_gil is replaced by Python::with_gil. #2981Fixed...
(American Depository Receipt)美国存托凭证/存股证 Advance-Decline Theory 涨跌理论 adverse balance 逆差 advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行 an application form 申请单 Arbitrage 套利 Arbitrageur 套利者 As Agent 做代理 Ask-Bid System 竞价系统 associate banker of collection 代收银行 At-the-Close Order...