(1979),Horror|Sci-Fi +1215,Army of Darkness (1993),Action|Adventure|Comedy|Fantasy|Horror +1216,"Big Blue, The (Grand bleu, Le) (1988)",Adventure|Drama|Romance +1217,Ran (1985),Drama|War +1218,"Killer, The (Die xue shuang xiong) (1989)",Action|Crime|Drama|Thriller +1219,Psycho ...
Because of technology, a growing army of children prefer video games to old outdoor sports. “What do children do when watching TV or sitting in front of the computer playing video games? They eat chocolate and drink Coke,” s...
Electronic or "cyber" ware holds the promise of destroying an army’s-or even a whole nation’s--ability to function without hurting human life. The technology is reaching the point, however, where c... 查看完整题目与答案 2004—2007年,甲国的年碳排放量与上年相比增长幅度最大的年份是()。
港珠澳大桥是粤港澳大湾区的地标,大桥第一高塔青州航道桥是港珠澳大桥的主要标志之一。建设者在青州航道桥设计中使用 “ 中国结 的文化符号,寓意着三地共创粵港澳大湾区美好未来。重大基础项目建设往往注重中国传统文化符号的运用,是因为中国传统文化符号( ) 1 是文化的基