[图像] Python 中使用傅里叶变换进行数字图像处理 链接: https://hicraigchen.medium.com/digital-image-processing-using-fourier-transform-in-python-bcb49424fd82图像现在已成为我们日常生活的一部分。 没有它,人们几乎无法生存。 因… 哇叔打开知乎App 在「我的页」右上角打开扫一扫 其他扫码方式:微信 下载知...
从图中不难看出,后面的计算可以直接采用前面计算的结果,一级一级地形成组合值的依赖关系,从而大大减少运算量。 参考资料 [1] Optimization of 4x4 Integer DCT in H.264/AVC Encoder ,Charles S. Lubobya1, Mqele M. Dlodlo1, Gerhard De. Jager1 and Keith L.Ferguson2 发布...
METHOD FOR PERFORMING IDCT IN DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM AND IDCT PROCESSOR THEREFORPURPOSE: To provide a method and a device for executing the inverse discrete cosine transformation of (n)×(n) at a higher speed. CONSTITUTION: A controller 17 controls the calculation of an output vector ...
Implementation of Image compression using DCT jpegrledct-coefficientsrun-length-encodingimage-compressiondiscrete-cosine-transformdctjpeg-image-compression UpdatedOct 5, 2018 Python Zafar's Audio Functions in Python for audio signal analysis: STFT, inverse STFT, mel filterbank, mel spectrogram, MFCC, CQ...
A library for JPEG masking and composition in the DCT domain. - ImageProcessing-ElectronicPublications/libmodjpeg
DCT is usually used in image processing but in this paper we use it to detect the run time control errors. In this paper, using the branch instruction, a program is first divided into several data computing blocks (DCBs), each DCB can then be recognized as an image. To get the signatur...
All variants of the DCT are unitary (or, equivalently, orthogonal): To find their inverses, switch k and n in each definition. DCT-1 and DCT-4 are their own inverses. DCT-2 and DCT-3 are inverses of each other. References [1] Jain, A. K. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. ...
In this paper, a fast discrete cosine transform(DCT) algorithm which was implemented in image compression based on JPEG would be presented. Firstly, based on the application of DCT in image compression, several fast DCT algorithms were analysed first, then the efficiency fast DCT algorithm, binary...
[7] EDIRISURIYA A, MADANAYAKE A, CINTRA R J, et al. A multiplication free digital architecture for 16×16 2 D DCT/DST transform for HEVC[C]. Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel, 2012:1-5. [8] OPPENHEIM A V, SCHAFER R W. Discrete time signal processing[M]. Prentice Hall...
Cogranne, Statistical detection of Jsteg steganography using hypothesis testing theory [C], in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2014, 5617-5521. [5] T. Qiao, C. Zitzmann, R. Cogranne, and F. Retraint, Detection of Jsteg algorithm using hypothesis testing theory and ...