NORMAL RADIO COMMANDS WILL NOT WORK 普通无线电指令将无法工作 Contrary to my previous campaigns, Raven One does not use the built-in radio menu to control your wingmen (so Wingman 1-4), but utilises F-10 radio menu options based on the mission context. You will always be notified by tex...
Added "Fly to Tanker" wingman command to F1EE radio comms menu. Added "Radar on/off" wingman commands to radio comms menu. Radar: Radar render is now multithreading compatible. Radar scope brightness potentiometer was made operational. Eliminated double brightness pixels when the radar range li...
Mission 0: Wingman not rejoining. Fixed. Mission 1: Not receiving full points when all targets destroyed and RTB - Fixed. Pig-2 not starting when triggered (sometimes) - Fixed. Added several new Pig-2 voiceovers. Mission 2: Added several new Pig-2 voiceovers. Adjusted scoring objectives...
There are already profiles for a few of the planes in DCS world so you can do all your comms by voice. It even has logic for stringing together commands. So you can use a prefix like a Wingman number, then RTB, and they chain nicely. I use Voice Attack in Elite and it’s probabl...
NORMAL RADIO COMMANDS WILL NOT WORK普通无线电指令将无法工作 Contrary to my previous campaigns, Raven One does not use the built-in radio menu to control your wingmen (so Wingman 1-4), but utilises F-10 radio menu options based on the mission context. You will always be notified by text...