带你装逼带你飞:DC..视频来自:优酷最近在研究dcs的p51,研究了两天终于知道咋启动p51了dcs不像il2 1946,和wt按下i就能启动的由于网络上没有一个合适的视频教程,除了一个满是不和谐广告的,还是全英文十几分钟
DCS World TF-51D/P-51D 官方中文手册 DCS: P-51D "野马" 针对骨灰级和休闲玩家分别提供了高细节仿真和易上手的 "简易" 模式选项。对于仿真模式,这是家用电脑史上对P-51D "野马" 最真实的模拟。请享受激动人心的飞行驾驶,以及操作各种武器对抗各种地面和空中目标的过程。 交互训练系统把你和教员置身于驾驶舱...
游戏里有免费的教练机 TF-51D,可以先玩它的 Free Flight 任务练习一下 basic flight maneuvers:平飞 straight-and-level, unaccelerated flight、转向 Coordinated Turn(看 slip indicator,要用到方向舵)、爬升和下降(注意在键位设置适当调低 Pitch Axis 的 Saturation Y 和 Curve;改变Curve 会影响操纵手感,灵敏度太...
DCS TF-51D快速上手(冷启动,起飞,降落)壯志淩雲 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3983 10 55:36 App DCS F/A-18C CASE1回收航母降落心得(重制) 745 0 56:34 App DCS目视航降心得分享,及常见机型降落分解 3461 5 17:44 App DCS F/A-18 头盔瞄准(HMD)使用教程 641 1 30:25 App...
Feel the excitement of flying the Su-25T "Frogfoot" attack jet and the TF-51D "Mustang" in the free-to-play Digital Combat Simulator World! Two free maps are also included: The eastern Black Sea and the Mariana Islands. Digital Combat Simulator World ...
1.打开DCS1.5,进入训练,选择TF-51D发动机启动程序。 最新中文视频解说请到优酷: 搜索:飞行的基础DCS1.5ENTF-51D野马熟悉机舱中文解说 点击昵称进入我的主页,点击订阅有最新的视频攻略。 2.Space继续。 3.襟翼在起飞位置。 4.进气冷热调节打开。 5.冷却和燃油调到自动。
Feel the excitement of flying the Su-25T "Frogfoot" attack jet and the TF-51D "Mustang" in the free-to-play Digital Combat Simulator World! Two free maps are also included: The eastern Black Sea and the Mariana Islands. Digital Combat Simulator World Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS Wo...
TF-51D 冷启动步骤冷启动的步骤非常简单:打开电池 Battery 后启动 APU/Turbo/Starter(用来带动主引擎,...
Astounding Realism:From the cockpit to the combat tactics, every aspect has been meticulously crafted to mirror real-world operations and physics. Diverse Aircraft and Vehicles:Fly the iconic Russian Sukhoi Su-25T ground attack jet and the historic North American TF-51D fighter, with the option ...