转自:Chiller Juice CJS Super Hornet Mod v2.4 Release Video 安装该模组时,无需再覆盖游戏根目录下的 F-18C 文件夹,直接将其丢进 Saved Games 文件夹即可(但需要拥有 DCS F/A-18C 支持) 下载链接(可直连)
【DCS world】社区模组 F/A-18F SuperBug by CJS 座舱开发进度 4196 0 07:59 App 【DCS World | 熟肉】社区模组 F-15EX 2.0 发布!全新座舱! 1092 0 01:25 App 【DCS World】社区模组 兰开斯特轰炸机 | Project Lancaster 2246 0 02:08:24 App 【DCS World】战场实时控制软件 Olympus 演示 1642 1 01...
| F-18E/F/G | ✅ | | [DCS Forums]( | | F-22A | ✅ | _WarLord_ | [Developer]( | | T-45 | ✅ | _WarLord_ | [DCS Forums](https://forum.dcs.wor...
这里就有一个疑惑:发不发射导弹也逼迫对面机动(虽说接近最大射程,R27空空火箭弹),还 分享1816 dcs_world吧 装甲战熊mk 目前游戏最强的战斗机应该是F15了吧之前没感觉,玩了F18才觉得F15动力澎湃,极速好,加上AIM120C,甩SU27的R27几条街。 分享818 数字战斗模拟吧 wmh123x 不谈现实生活,dcs如果pvp大家喜欢那架...
分享121 战争雷霆吧 F18SuperHornet steam入了DCS,注册花了两小时,网是真的难连。大佬们有什么要交代给萌新的嘛?顺便问下为啥画质这么渣。 分享433 dcs_world吧 花凋伊人泪 steam模组能导入官方版么?RT,之前在Steam买了FC3和A10C 最近2.0的邮件推广不断有点痒痒了,就去官网下了游戏,然后发现模组还要单 分享5...
I'm willing to support the mod in Retribution myself! Here is how to do it: Pre-requisites: A development environment for DCS Retribution, seeDeveloper's Guide Basic Python programming knowledge Basic Lua programming knowledge A DCS World open beta installation ...
REQUIRED: 476th Range Objects Mod but it does not use the scoring targets. We used captured soviet and surplus allied vehicles for realism.Contact us on our YouTube channel if you have any questions The Air Warfare Group ...
We are pleased to share our latest update to DCS World Open Beta and the substantial range of new features and improvements that are included. Some of the highlights are new cloud technology, new piston engine propeller technology and a wide array of new features for the Hornet and Viper. ...
VPC-Airfield Equipment for DCS World tweet The mod was created to fill the respective aerodrome infrastructure and enhance authenticity. It presents a set of objects, ranging from very small (signs and carts) to large buildings (checkpoints, control towers, hangars). An additional requirement of...
【DCS World】【4K】FA-18E Super Hornet up主第一次飛川流急速 6分42秒 座艙視角史提芬少尉 立即播放 打开App,一起发弹幕看视频100+个相关视频 更多3009 1 4:21 App 【4K】【30 FPS】 航拍中環及太平山頂廣場 DJI Mini 2 3297 2 0:58 App 乘客:WC 着落了?! 526 1 7:01 App 【DCS World】【2K...