Microsoft Flight Simulator 进阶指南 测评 和飞行射击游戏相比 DCS 的飞行体验十分出色:高速飞行时气流的磨擦声、大迎角机动下机体的 buffeting、横滚时飞控调整操纵面修正姿态等细节都在游戏里被完美地展现出来。完整的航电液压电力系统模拟让 DCS 得以忠实还原不同战机的驾驶舱...
DCS World, free download. DCS World 2: DCS World is a high-fidelity flight simulation software that offers a detailed and realistic experience for both …
Generally most people map flight controls and combat controls to stick and throttle, but for things like landing gear, opening the cockpit and whatnot that is still a keyboard function. For the full fidelity planes mouse clicking as well. If price is not a problem, get a proper HOTAS. My...
The F-16C's primary flight controls are: Stabilators: Two "stabilators" (stabilizer + elevator) located at the tail move on a single axis independently of one another to control both pitch and roll of the aircraft. Ailerons: Two normal ailerons located on the outer area of the wings ...
关于《微软飞行模拟2020》(Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020) 《微软飞行模拟2020》是一款由微软开发和发行的飞行模拟游戏。这款游戏在2020年8月18日发布,凭借其高度逼真的图像、精确的飞行物理和广泛的飞行环境,受到了广泛的赞誉。以下是一些关于《微软飞行模拟2020》的主要特点和功能: ...
For those looking to host their own missions and campaigns, DCS World offers a dedicated server package. This lightweight version operates without the need for 3D graphics and sounds, making it ideal for managing multiplayer engagements. Easy setup and comprehensive web-based controls ensure a seaml...
DCS World 新增:H-6J中国战略轰炸机和KD-20/KD-63/YJ-12导弹。 增加了S-200(SA-5)地空导弹,配备搜索雷达、跟踪雷达和发射架。 调整了LS-6战斗部威力。 调整了延迟引信炸弹的穿透后物理模拟。现在它们将穿透地面和物体,并会相应减速。已知问题:具有长时引信延迟的低命中速度炸弹在穿透物体后可能会“悬空”。
DCS World 新增:H-6J中国战略轰炸机和KD-20/KD-63/YJ-12导弹。 增加了S-200(SA-5)地空导弹,配备搜索雷达、跟踪雷达和发射架。 调整了LS-6战斗部威力。 调整了延迟引信炸弹的穿透后物理模拟。现在它们将穿透地面和物体,并会相应减速。已知问题:具有长时引信延迟的低命中速度炸弹在穿透物体后可能会“悬空”。
Authentic fly-by-wire Flight Control System (FCS). The most realistic model of the F-16C imaginable, down to each bolt and flake of paint, animated controls surfaces, lights, damage model, and landing gear. Detailed simulation of the Viper’s engines, fuel, electrical, hydraulic, comms,...
The DCS: MB-339 aims to be the most realistic simulation of this aircraft ever made for PC, not only in terms of system functionalities but especially flight performances.The MB-339 will be available in an almost complete state. The External Flight Model (EFM) is based on performance and ...