由于欧洲时区的数据库维护,您在访问网站和在线联机服务器时可能会遇到停机和错误。这一问题现已解决,我们对由此造成的不便深表歉意。我们希望将春节促销延长至北京时间2月25日23:00,以便您有足够的时间寻找下一个模组或战役,或两者兼而有之! F/A-18C ...
2017 has proved to be a great year for DCS World with the release of several great modules like the Normandy 1944 Map, the updated Su-33, the AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL, the AJS-37 Viggen, many fantastic campaigns, new objects and units for the DCS World maps like the World War II...
We have released numerous exciting campaigns to support their effort. It is as close to a Falcon BMS campaign in DCS world. DCS missions can be fun for solo players but often the AI can frustrate the experience. Conducting sorties with real people is the way to go. We try to keep the...
This addon would be ideal for simulating being Israel's partner in genocide, saying screw it to international law and being World Police terrorists while the Secretary of State goes on another "diplomatic" tour blowing hot air. What's also especially idiotic is them naming ships after horrific ...
Add new TTI Iraq SP map and mission: “Iraq – Baghdad”– No carrier ops for this mission variation, will make variations in the future as more support for the map for carrier opera...
DCS:幻影2000C冷启动顺序清单 1.开启总电源开关 2.呼叫地勤启动地面电源(不依赖外部电源可跳过此步,直接开启电台呼叫塔台后启动发动机) 3.开始INS设置及校准 (1)惯导模式旋钮旋至VEI; (2)惯导参数旋钮旋至L/G,输入初始经纬度坐标; (3)惯导参数旋钮旋至ALT,输入初 1105 dcsworld吧 无迹HQZ 关于F18垂直扫描... 感谢您的热情与支持。 诚挚的, Eagle Dynamics 夏日炎炎 夏季促销 2022年夏季促销来了!这是您抓住下一架航空器、地图、战役或所有的东西的优惠的好机会!持续到北京时间7月11日23:00,不要错过享受最高五折的...
在这个合作行动中,你将参加阿拉伯湾上空的北约直升机-舰艇资质考核,并参与大型突击行动,作为“酷热”行动的一部分。下载DCS: MAD AH-64D战役. 再次感谢您的投入、热情与支持。 诚挚的, Eagle Dynamics...
DCS World联机. 任务不存在时专用服务器挂起 - 修复。联机. 修正了专用服务器的标题名称。联机. 修正了玩家Ping的显示。联机. 专用服务器在最小化时停止响应 - 修复。联机. 当有人加入服务器时服务器崩溃 - 修复。VR. 控制器在开放测试版中不能正常工作 - 修复。当你从侧面