Zetsu Zetsu is a Tweak that allows the app to multitask Zetsu is an excellent tweak for multitasking apps. Its main features include the ability to turn apps into windowed mode and Split View. In add…
Graphics Mode Error: 640*480 at 32 bit does not work! 谁帮我解决我给他50百度知道积分 *═—═—═—*小小的分割线*═—═—═—* ♪ Seeks Unceasin 应试教育 就是应付考试的教育 Exam-oriented education is education for examinations ...
[Project Folder]\Saved Games\DCS.unittest folder in your Saved Games folder next to your DCS and DCS.openbeta folders, this is a profile preconfigured for the unit tester, it contains an options.lua with the lowest graphics settings, an autoexec.cfg that sets the game to windowed and ...
• Due to limitations in the simulator, live MFCDs must be repeated on your monitor. • Due to limitations in the simulator, the sim will be forced to run in full screen windowed mode *** We suggest you give A-10 VC Free a try before purchasing iControl DCS to make sure it suit...
Fixed crash caused by fullscreen mode failing to initialize when using multimonitor presets (fall back to windowed mode in case of fail). Multiplayer. Fixed client crash caused by AWACS being killed. Kh-22 missile 3D model corrected. Su-25T. Laser Rangefinder doesn't turned OFF when Route ...
versions do not include the external windowed watchdog timer circuit. Thus, versions Fx and earlier are not certified for use in the safety-relevant portion of a GMR system. ▪ For users who want newer GNIU firmware, a firmware upgrade kit ...
• Due to limitations in the simulator, the sim will be forced to run in full screen windowed mode *** We suggest you give A-10 VC Free a try before purchasing iControl DCS to make sure it suits your play style. *** This application...
• Due to limitations in the simulator, the sim will be forced to run in full screen windowed mode *** We suggest you give A-10 VC Free a try before purchasing iControl DCS to make sure it suits your play style. *** This application...