测评 Su-25T 的操作 新手指南 飞行学院 用户Mod 购买指南 硬件选购 支持键鼠手柄,无需外设即可体验超视距空战和空中支援 支持沙盒/自由模式,最好的观光拍照游戏之一 本体免费,自带两架飞机外加三张地图 易上手的可点击驾驶舱,免背键位表 用摇杆可单手操作,上手即玩 游戏界最好的直升机模拟器 官网注册可试玩全部...
Su-25T 的操作 FC3 和 Su-25T 的操作 Page 油门 B 减速 W 刹车 G, F 控制起落架和襟翼;↑...
Introduction 5 Command Compatibility HyperLo Pub/Su Transac Connec Scriptin Geo Stream glog b tions tion g - SUBSCR WATCH SELECT SCRIPT GEORADIUS XGROUP IBE (not KILL support ed by Redis Cluster instanc es) - UNSUB - CLIENT SCRIPT GEORADIUS XINFO SCRIBE CACHI LOAD BYMEMBER NG...
O&M Guide 3 Backup and RestorationProcedure Step 1 Log in to the database node as the opsadmin user and run the following command to check whether the database status is normal and whether the node is the active one: su root Password: Enter the password....
Your opponents include the F-4E, F-14A, F-15C, F-15E, F-16C, F/A-18C, M-2000C, MiG-29G, CF-188, MiG-21, Su-27 and an unknown type. Three campaigns are included in the download package to allow you to fly against Rookie, Ace and Random AI opponents. ...
Works with Su-25A and A-10A as well if you add the commands for those aircraft, can be added for nearly any aircraft in the game (Except Su-27, Su-33, J-11, MiG-29, F-15C) if you follow this guide {down = iCommandViewNightVisionGogglesOn, name = _('Night Vision Goggles'),...
* All Flaming Cliffs 3 Modules _(FC3) (A-10A; F-15C; J-11A; MiG-29A; MiG-29S; Su-25; Su-25T; Su-27; Su-33) (contributed by danvac, extended by WarLord)_ * Superbug mod _(F-18 E+F+Growler)_ * Mods (FC3): **VSN-Mods, PAK-FA Project, Civil Aircraft mod, Upuaut'...
FC3和免费的SU25T关注Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和Weapons。FC3机型的键位是通用的,可以在设置好后保存导入。机型对应的指南里有摇杆键位示意图。按上面的说明飞机调整Y轴灵敏度直升机调整XY轴灵敏度。界面右下方点禁用热插拔。 设置里先点一下Gameplay页右下角的Simulation再勾选Mirror和Wake ...
Used the deletrium guide and the Lutris DCS Standalone install:https://github.com/deleterium/dcs_on_linux However, the game would load into a black screen at the end. Had toremovethe suggested override for 'msdmo=n'. After that, the game loaded. ...
“Backup Friendly CAP” type/weapons that is spawned via the F10 Menu under “Air to Air Reinforcements” – The menu name will change depending on the type chosen for these aircraft. (If you make the airfield backup CAP template unit to be an Su-27, it will say “Su-27 Backup” in...