测评 Su-25T 的操作 新手指南 飞行学院 用户Mod 购买指南 硬件选购 支持键鼠手柄,无需外设即可体验超视距空战和空中支援 支持沙盒/自由模式,最好的观光拍照游戏之一 本体免费,自带两架飞机外加三张地图 易上手的可点击驾驶舱,免背键位表 用摇杆可单手操作,上手即玩 游戏界最好的直升机模拟器 官网注册可试玩全部...
Su-25T 的操作 FC3 和 Su-25T 的操作 Page 油门 B 减速 W 刹车 G, F 控制起落架和襟翼;↑...
UnigraphicsNX针对用户的虚拟产品设计和工艺设计的需求,以及满足各种工业化需求,提供了经过实践验证的解决方案。UG同时也是用户指南(userguide)和普遍语法(UniversalGrammar)的缩写。这是一个交互式CAD/CAM(计算机辅助设计与计算机辅助制造)系统,它功能强大,可以轻松实现各种复杂实体及造型的建构。它... 光泽明邀请你来回...
Button mapping 关注 Axis, HOTAS, Throttle & Stick 菜单(参照机型手册),其他操作用鼠标点。FC3 和免费的 SU25T 关注 Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和 Weapons。FC3 机型的键位是通用的,可以在设置好后保存导入。机型对应的指南里有摇杆键位示意图。按上面的说明飞机调整Y轴灵敏度直升机调整XY轴...
Su-25T Rotorcraft Ka-50 UH-1H Mi-8 SA342 World War 2 P-51D Bf 109 K-4 Spitfire Mk. IX Fw 190 D-9 Trainers L-39 C-101 Hawk T.1A Tools & Utilities Simple Radio Standalone LotATC Tacview CombatFlite Voice Attack OVGME Non-DCS World Sims ...
Su-25T 的武器种类挺多的,对空对地制导非制导反辐射都有。不建议学 FC3 机型的键盘“冷舱启动”PS...
Enable Su-25T Nightvision Works with Su-25A and A-10A as well if you add the commands for those aircraft, can be added for nearly any aircraft in the game (Except Su-27, Su-33, J-11, MiG-29, F-15C) if you follow this guide {down = iCommandViewNightVisionGogglesOn, name = _...
Su-25T Rotorcraft Ka-50 UH-1H Mi-8 SA342 World War 2 P-51D Bf 109 K-4 Spitfire Mk. IX Fw 190 D-9 Trainers L-39 Hawk T.1A Simple Radio Standalone LotATC Tacview CombatFlite Voice Attack OVGME Falcon BMS Technique Guides & Resources ...
This resulted in me only being able to test the free and included low fidelity Su-25T and TF-51. In Order to get it running at all, follow the following Guide on Eagle Dynamic's page: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/faq/SteamDeck/ It's also applicable for Linux ...
For adjusting the view limits of the Flaming Cliffs 3, A-10C, KA-50, Su-25T, and P-51D we will want to copy over and adjust the file Server.lua to our Saved games directory. DO NOT EDIT YOUR STOCK FILES. The default location for the the Server.lua file is at \...