BVR:锥状的雷达波束距离越远覆盖面越大;通过 GCI/AWACS 获取目标方位 Bearing Range Altitude Aspect (BRAA) 后调整雷达方位和俯仰 (Azimuth/Elevation) 即可找到目标。雷达屏幕水平显示飞机前方的雷达目标,通过移动光标来选择和锁定;光标上的两个数字是搜索高度范围把光标移到雷达屏幕上的点按 enter 就锁定了。(前后...
Range: GMT –12:00 to GMT +12:00. If this parameter is left blank, the current time zone of the DCS-Server VM is used by default. backup_at Yes Array of integers Day in a week on which backup starts. The value ranges from 1 to 7, where 1 indicates Monday, and 7 indicates ...
型”列。 value_range String 配置参数的取值范围。取值见表6-8“取值范 围”列。 node_role String 返回null或空时,表示是默认的节点,即Redis 数据节点;返回proxy时,表示Proxy节点。缓存实例配置参数的说明见表6-8。 表6-8 缓存实例配置参数说明 参 参数名 参数 参数解释 取值范围 默认 ...
Fully Managed DCS for Memcached monitors over 30 metrics for your services based on custom alarm thresholds so that service abnormalities can be detected in a timely manner. Application Scenarios Gaming E-Commerce Internet Finance Gaming DCS for Memcached provides fast access to leaderboards. ...
Value Range Default Value timeout The maximum amount of time (in seconds) a connection between a client and the DCS instance can be allowed to remain idle before the connection is terminated. A setting of0means that this function is disabled. ...
instances. ● A wide range of memory specifications adapt to different scenarios. NO TE ● A Proxy Cluster instance can be connected in the same way that a single-node or master/standby instance is connected, without any special settings on the client. You ...
RANGE 超量程 RTN 报警撤销三、FSSS面板常用英语 MFT 主燃料跳闸 MFT FIRST OUT MEMORY MFT首出原因记忆 FDFS OFF 送风机全停 IDFS OFF 引风机全停 HIGH FURN 炉膛压力高 LOW FURN 炉膛压力低 HIGH DRUM 汽包水位高 LOW DRUM 汽包水位低 TURB TRIP 汽轮机跳闸 PMPS STOP 给水泵全停 EMG TRIP 紧急停炉 ...
Frequency Range CDMA850 824 ~ 849 MHz 869 ~ 894 MHz GSM900 890 ~ 915 MHz 935 ~ 960 MHz EGSM 880 ~ 915 MHz 925 ~ 960 MHz DCS 1710 ~ 1785 MHz 1805 ~ 1880 MHz PCS 1850 ~ 1910 MHz 1930 ~ 1990 MHz WCDMA 1920 ~ 1980 MHz 2110 ~ 2170 MHz AWS 1710 ~ 1755 MHz 2...
To which products this chapter applies The information is valid for the whole range of the product DCS550. Usage of warnings and notes There are two types of safety instructions throughout this manual: warnings and notes. Warnings caution you about conditions, which can result in serious injury...