DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics Improved: Petrovich AI target detection system realism improvement. Now time spent for target detection is impacted by how many objects are around the target (simulating that target object is harder to detect when it is not in clear field). Feature is WIP ...
Mi-8MTV2 and Ka-50: Memory of a Hero Campaign by Stone SkyNew Weather and Cloud Optimization.DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Crew Part 1 Campaign by Stone SkyNew Weather and Cloud Optimization.The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:All Missions. Updated for 2.7, including the new clouds. Mission...
DCS: Mi-24P by Eagle Dynamicsknown issues: first page of Mi-24 (and Mi-8MTV2) kneeboard is emptyControls menu change. Cockpit layers are separated to “MI-24P PIlot” and “Mi-24P Copilot-Gunner” (Controls rebinding is needed). Fixed: launch authorization desync in multicrew Added ...
To add some exotic flavor, we have a few East German MiGs that turned to the NATO side during German reunification. Their cockpits are partly converted into imperial measurements, and they show up in NATO datalinks. They struggle with the amount of fuel, and lack active radar missiles but u...
Cargo systems implementation (control panel inside Like in Mi-8) + crew chief voice help (like in Mi-8) 3D model of DG-64 hoist for sling load cargo (like in mi-8) Petrovich AI additional features Full manual in Russian and English (full list of languages is TBD)...
Fixed: ACM switch in Pilot cockpit is wrong size and positioned incorrectly for OFF Fixed: TDU Day/Off keybinds are inverted DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics Added. Petrovich AI interface info boxes appearance now can be controlled from special settings as well as from mission editor. Autho...
Cockpit lamp illumination changed to an additive method. IT-23 and ABRIS doesn't update information on F2 view when DCS launched in 2-monitor configuration - fixed. Kh-25ML missile not tracking laser - fixed. Ka-50. Reduced beacon rotary speed. DCS Mi-8MTV2 by ED Corrupted Kneeboard fonts...
Cockpit English Radio English Documentation English Free disk space is required: 4.1 Gb $79.99 $55.99 Miles: 5590 STEAM Incompatible Buy Trial Minimum system requirements (LOW graphics settings): OS 64-bit Windows 10; DirectX11; CPU: Intel or AMD 3.0Ghz+ with 4+ cores; RAM: 16 GB...