1、WMD-7瞄准舱3.6-启动和邀光程序激光制导炸弹装置/激光制导火箭上的激光代码首先需要由地勤人员在地面手动设置。我们会在武器区看到。1,将主模式开关设置为AG (空对地)。2,进入MAIN MENU主菜单MFCD页面,按POD旁边的OSB (选项选择, 钮)。3 .按下WMD7旁边的OSB,进入目标吊舱馈送页面。4 .按关闭”旁边的OSB...
DCS: JF-17 Thunder 国产四代机,模组质量好可以放心买 二战系列全是经典机型可以放心买新手选购指南点这里DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX 转弯快机炮很准(DCS 2.9 更新了驾驶舱贴图)二战名机DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Kurfurst 二战末期的高性能战斗机,飞起来很稳;机枪机炮位于瞄准镜下方,稍微适应提前量即可轻松命中目标;装备...
Updated: Flight Manual DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations Fixed: LS-6 and GB-6 do not fly to target Fixed: JF-17 fuel probe weight (thanks to Wyvern for fix) Fixed: lasercode set in ME not applied for all pylons Fixed: Axis TDC move too fast in AG radar DBS modes Fix...
增加了Mirage F1CE Manual de Vuelo(CE翻译成西班牙语)。 任务: 增加了除诺曼底和英吉利海峡以外的所有地图的幻影F1EE单人和快速开始任务。 DCS: JF-17(Deka Ironwork Simulations) 完成:驾驶舱的纹理有更多的风化效果 完成:外部纹理(模板将很快出现)
TM Hotas Cougar, Foxy profile for DCS JF-17. Updated 1.1 version. Fixed Gun trigger, that stopped working after a X:START WAIT USER RESPONSE trigger. 1.- Software: Profile tested with DCS World 2.5.5; driver Thrustmaster 2007_HCO_Vista_64_RC1; Foxy 4.2 2.- Cougar Mode: After downlo...
I wouldn't sleep on the JF-17 either. Not as fast turning or accelerating as the F-16, but control wise it functions similar to the American planes. The AGM is good but the slewing is a pain sensitivity wise. Mirage 2000C is a fun dog fighter but a bit dated. Sep 13, 2024 #...
增加了Mirage F1CE Manual de Vuelo(CE翻译成西班牙语)。 任务: 增加了除诺曼底和英吉利海峡以外的所有地图的幻影F1EE单人和即时行动任务。 DCS: JF-17(Deka Ironwork Simulations) 完成:驾驶舱的纹理有更多的风化效果 完成:外部纹理(模板将很快出现)
[Mission Generator]Add PP points for JF-17 on STRIKE missions [Mission Generator]Add ST point for F-14B on STRIKE missions [Mission Generator]Flights with client slots will never be delayed [Mission Generator]AI units can start from parking (With a new setting in Settings Window to disable ...
DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork SimulationsFixed C802AK disappearing issue. Fixed MFCD APR page altitude unit. Added “NS” for NASAMS in the EWS database. Updated LS6/GB6/C701 params according to scheme update.DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev...