自从DCS: “蚊”式FB VI发布以来,社区成员一直在努力工作,为这架标志性的战鹰创造了许多出色的涂装“蚊”式涂装大赛从今天开始,一直持续到2023年3月24日。参加比赛并有可能赢得你所选择的Eagle Dynamics模组。 DCS: A-10C II“坦克杀手”的最后一个关键功能是加入了ARC-210无线电。该无线电将与语音聊天系统完全...
When I make a mission I make it without the headset on, but then need to restart the game when I want to fly. Just small annoyances like that that more time when you have 1-2 hours. But the depth and "3D effect" certainly has some advantages. Going back to flying with my PC ...
Our web based registration form is dynamic. We can enable or disable mission types on as we need them. If you see it in the list, it is available. Our common airframes The following modules are always available: A10cII, AV8B, F14B, F15c, F16, F18, F15e, AH64D. ...
I feel like between the Hog, the F16, F14, and F18, the jet game would be complete for me. Is the F14 fun to fly or is it too difficult because of the lack of fly by wire? Have you tried Normandy 2.0? I really like the F-18, and I'm sure you would to if you like ...
Edit$INSTALL_DIR/MissionEditor/modules/mul_password.lua. Find the functiononChange_btnOkand add the lineonlyConnect = trueto the start of the function like so. functiononChange_btnOk()onlyConnect=true--This line was addedifonlyConnect==truethen--...end ...