As shown in the following, the value of CRC16 (KEY) mod 16384 determines the hash slot that a given key is located at and redirects the client to the node where the hash slot is located at.> set hello world
subscriptionMod SLAVE Subscription mode. By default, only e replica nodes handle subscription. The value can be SLAVE or MASTER (recommended). subscriptionCon- 1 Minimum number of connections to the nectionMinimu target node for pub/sub.
预览 [分享] CFS3微软模拟战斗机3+全战区MOD (欧洲战区) WIN764\XP支持 CDM本人 2012-9-3 15:31 17295 3dmwanxiao 2012-11-23 11:09 预览 [讨论] 這遊戲手感怎麼樣 咿呀亞咩碟 2012-11-16 18:50 04910 咿呀亞咩碟 2012-11-16 18:50 预览 [火星] 老区留名 勇者之心 2012-11-2 16:39 0429...
还是需要打MOD?打MOD需要买哪些飞机作为基底吗? 维克会梦... 2-15 0 Dcs用小派水晶vr进行游戏 DOVE19527 Dcs用小派的vr进入游戏界面时实际高度高于界面高度怎么调整 DOVE19527 2-15 2 要求初级版的客户端 魔都第一... 求助各位大佬们,遇到这个情况怎么办 丁真唐牛... 2-14 2 su25T每次...
Mission now recognizes several mod aircraft as tanker-compatible aircraft (F-22A will spawn the boom tanker for example) Fixed an issue on Caucasus where a helo mission marker was slightly offset. Ground convoys both red and blue are now randomized at EACH spawn, utilizing the standard ‘spawnin...
* **Extra-330SR** _(contributed by WarLord) (use Edge-540) [get the mod here](http://virtualairrace.com/downloads/)_ * **F-14B / A** _(contributed by WarLord,ArturDCS,Bullitt) (use F-14 for All Versions)_ * **F-15E** _(contributed by WarLord,Maverick87Shaka)_ * **F-16...
建了个Dcs World 的mod群,有需要的可以加!群里上传了目前dcs里比较新的飞机mod 主要来源在官网论坛等途径,有需要加群的可以私聊我拿QQ群号! 分享3510 数字战斗模拟吧 nanexja 不知为何进游戏卡在55%。dcs world官网也莫名上不去了,重下都不行。真急人。 分享2512 锁定现代空战吧 ⚡千里不留行💨 今...
预览 [推荐] Lock on 2.0 F-18全3D可点击座舱(优酷视频) =Archer= 2010-9-20 19:31 29300 tongueless 2014-8-14 15:47 预览 [讨论] DCS-FC3 有收僚机的吗? qq7303763 2014-8-12 14:06 04821 qq7303763 2014-8-12 14:06 预览 [其它] 这个游戏怎么样?? luowei7900 2014-6-10 18:04 15207...