C172_Pilot_Operating_Manual.pdf PDF第15页介绍驾驶舱布局 机型对应的手册里有HOTAS键位示意图。对照手册把 Button mapping 里的 Axis, HOTAS, Throttle & Stick 子菜单下的键位绑定好,其他操作用鼠标点。FC3 机型和免费的 SU25T 可以先绑定 Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和 Weapons 菜单下的相应...
DCS: F-15E Suite 4+ by RAZBAM Simulations 3D Models and Textures Fixed: Incorrect texture used on exterior pilot. Fixed: Intake bleeding through. Fixed "SPARE LIGHTS" work in NVG Filter effect. Fixed: Emergency Oxy Hose to align during seat height adjustment (Both Seats). Added: VR ...
Comprehensive digital manual, both as a PDF and as a continually-updated online manual. A complete set of interactive and voiced tutorials. Comprehensive campaigns for both the F-14A and F-14B Tomcat; one will be set in the Caucasus theatre and the other will be in the Persian Gulf theatre...
Additional Missions. Full manual.