Additional chapters for the DCS: F-15E flight manual A free story-driven campaign built by Baltic Dragon More Instant Action missions, Single Missions, and network missions. 繼續閱讀 系統需求 最低配備: 作業系統:Windows 10, 11 處理器:Intel or AMD 3.0Ghz+ with 4+ cores ...
DCS: F-16C Viper* 可以放心买DCS: F-5E Tiger II by Belsimtek 飞行性能明显比 MiG-21 差;ED出品的旧模组,有较多BUG且没计划修复。会更新新驾驶舱。官宣 F-5E Tiger II 2 付费升级更新3D建模DCS: F-15E 旗舰模组,半成品,R组暂停更新。DCS: F/A-18C Hornet* 旗舰模组(新玩家推荐先买这个)DCS: ...
DCS: F-15E by RAZBAM Early access (What is DCS World Early Access?) Requires DCS World version 2.8.6 or above! The F-15E, developed in the mid 1980's, is a dual-role fighter designed to perform air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. An array of avionics and electronics systems ...
F-15E is in a state of chaos because of the Razbam thing. I would certainly be interested otherwise. But no, i’m not unvesting the time and money in what could be a dead module. Persian Gulf is probably my favorite terrain so far. As far as planes go, I’m getting the Hog for...
DCS: F-15E Suite 4+ by RAZBAM Simulations 3D Models and Textures Fixed: Incorrect texture used on exterior pilot. Fixed: Intake bleeding through. Fixed "SPARE LIGHTS" work in NVG Filter effect. Fixed: Emergency Oxy Hose to align during seat height adjustment (Both Seats). Added: VR ... 本篇为手册的第一部分—引言(又是开篇,为什么要说又?)。个人汉化,如有侵权,请联系我进行删除。 历史背景 F-14 雄猫 1983年3月19日,监视伴飞苏联海军航空兵Tu-95RT(北约代号:熊 D,Bear-D)侦察机的美国海军 F-14A ,这架雄猫隶属于VF-142幽灵骑士 (Ghost...
Eagle Dynamics as owners of the entire DCS franchise needs to take responsibility for sorting out the situation with RAZBAM/F-15E. Who's originally to blames is irrelevant, this matter negatively impacts Eagle Dynamics public image, and therefore their ability to conduct business. The entire abando...
[Units/Factions]Added F-15E to USA 2005 and USA 1990 factions. [Mission Generator]Added a parameter to choose whether the JTACs should use smoke markers or not Fixed issues : [Units/Factions]Fixed big performance issue in new release UI that occurred only when running the .exe ...
The F-15E, developed in the mid 1980's, is a dual-role fighter designed to perform air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. An array of avionics and electronics systems give the F-15E the capability to fight at low or high altitude, day or night, and in all weather. The F-15E is...
The F-15E, developed in the mid 1980's, is a dual-role fighter designed to perform air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. An array of avionics and electronics systems give the F-15E the capability to fight at low or high altitude, day or night, and in all weather. The F-15E is...