Fire rockets or deliver high-tech GPS and laser-guided bombs: experience what only F-16C pilots have experienced until now. Multiple liveries for the United States Air Force and Air National Guard, Turkey, Greece, Israel, and others. Highly realistic mouse-interactive cockpit with 6-degrees...
The F-16C has multiple flight control surfaces for maneuvering the aircraft. It has a "fly-by-wire" (FBW) system, which, opposed to a traditional mechanical or "direct" control system, the inputs given by the cockpit controls are inputted to a computer which then decides what controls to...
Interact with cockpit controls with your mouse. Fully modelled weapons and sensor systems. Detailed modelling of the F-5E instruments, engine, radios, fuel, electrical, and hydraulic systems. 16 Missions and 10 Interactive Training Missions. Full and Quick Start manuals.Both the DCS: F-5E Remaste...
F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\Mi-24P\Liveries\Cockpit_Mi-24P\某涂装的文件夹或zip\description.luaC:\Users\ABC\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\Cockpit_Mi-24P\某涂装的文件夹或zip\description.lua涂装F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\Liveries\F-14A...
保存的游戏\\Sounds\Effects\Aircrafts\F-16\Cockpit\Tones\<ogg/wav音频> Tones(音效) 这样的设置使得我在游戏中得到了如视频中的效果(up主blitzattacker): Mod音频出自(感谢Heiruo52): ...
The ICP (Integrated Control Panel) is the centerpiece of the F-16's cockpit, placed right below the HUD. It is part of the UFC (Up-Front Controls) and allows the pilot access to the aircraft's computer for data entry/editing. For now you only need to know about the SYM wheel on ...
保存的游戏\\Sounds\Effects\Aircrafts\F-16\Cockpit\Tones\<ogg/wav音频> Tones(音效) 这样的设置使得我在游戏中得到了如视频中的效果(up主 blitzattacker ): Mod音频出自(感谢Heiruo52): ...
Inside this cockpit, there is no doubt the F-16 was built to be an air superiority fighter Charlie Hallis Polygon’s tabletop editor. In 12-plus years as a journalist & photographer, he has covered simulation, strategy, and spacefaring games, as well as public policy. ...
Many optional conversations to take part in that will enhance the storyline if you wish or can be ignored if you prefer a quieter cockpit. Immortal mode - allowing risk free enjoyment of the action, but at the expense of limiting mission scores. ...
Added: VR Pilot's head shadow in cockpit (First Person/Both Seats). Added: 494th Panthers 91-324 'El Jefe" Livery. Added: 492nd Mad Hatters 91-321 "LOKI" Livery. Added: Cavity maps for Default Cockpit. Added: More polygons to Engine Nacelles. Added: Lower end GPU/VRAM optio...