Advanced Motion Controls B15A8F Brushless PWM Servo Amplifier Advanced Motion Controls BE25A20ACE Brushless PWM Servo Amplifier Advanced Motion Controls BE25A20ACG Brushless PWM Servo Amplifier Advanced Motion Controls INV-0056 Vector Servo Amplifier Advanced Motion Controls PC3XC-EQ1 Advanced Motion Contr...
Flaming Cliffs 2024 is the next chapter of the popular Flaming Cliffs series that features an expanded list of aircraft: The F-5E FC, F-86F FC, and MiG-15bis FC. As with all FC aircraft, these additions are easy-to-learn, with less complex controls, and
F-15 migration to module … 050deba Member charliefoxtwo commented Oct 4, 2023 If you have to remove a duplicate control, you can replace it with reserveIntValue to ensure the memory map stays consistent. The addresses of the duplicate controls may still change depending on which you ...
DCS F-16C“蝰蛇”(Eagle Dynamics) 对CAT I的持续转弯率(Ps)的迎角/载荷系数限制进行调整,瞬时转弯率和加速率仍在调整中。 增加了双目标跟踪(DTT)模式,作为RWS/SAM空对空雷达模式的一部分。视频。 AN/APG-68(V)5的探测和跟踪范围已经调整/减少,以符合公开的数据。 修正FCR和HSD符号 当AIM-120发射向目标...
The most realistic model of the F-16C imaginable, down to each bolt and flake of paint, animated controls surfaces, lights, damage model, and landing gear. Detailed simulation of the Viper’s engines, fuel, electrical, hydraulic, comms, lighting and emergency systems and many more. A wide...
Ground Pounder Sims即将推出的DCS: F-16C叙利亚上空最后一战的鼬鼠II战役将在下一次更新中登场。您将再次在叙利亚上空争夺制空权,执行13项身临其境的SEAD、护航和打击任务。敬请期待发布! 又到了VIRPIL Controls影子杯2024的赛季。要参加比赛并有机会登上排行榜并赢得包括DCS模组在内的丰厚奖品,您可以在比赛页面上报...
Flaming Cliffs 2024 is the next chapter of the popular Flaming Cliffs series that features an expanded list of aircraft: The F-5E FC, F-86F FC, and MiG-15bis FC. As with all FC aircraft, these additions are easy-to-learn, with less complex controls, and
AIM-7F/M. 高抛轨迹在默认情况下是禁用的(F-15C)。 联机中A2A导弹不同步问题的若干修正 R-27. R-27R、R-27ER在失去雷达锁定的情况下,不会去打箔条。 JDAM - 修复了炸弹机载寻路算法中的错误,这可能导致在飞行终点阶段出现奇怪的机动动作,从而导致打偏 ...
在Docs文件夹中添加了Combined Flight Controls Mode.pdf。 被撕掉的机身部件质量(机翼等)现在可以正确地从飞机总重量中减去,也会影响到重心的计算。 改进损伤的空气动力学效果。 实现了座椅调整功能的多人驾驶同步。 修正了在多人驾驶中听不到的其他座位声音的问题。
Reset Automated AAR (pre-recorded controls) for M02 and M08 to accommodate changes in F/A-18C flight model. Added an ability to skip missions using the F10 menu. Fixed an issue of HMD only shows single eye (VR) in some missions.Known...