themachinedriversetting. Thetrayinwhichunsupportedpapersizeisloadedisselectedforduplexprinting. Errorcode9A ManualFeed LoadPaper NopaperisloadedintheMPtray.(MPpaperemptysensorfailstobeturnedON.) Thiserrordoesnotusuallyoccurinthenormaluse.Theconceivablecausesarenoisearound theinstallationsite,fluctuationofthepowersupp...
PCFax(Sending)Yes(TX(BrotherDriver)only) RemoteSetupYes(forMacOSXonly) NetworkRemoteSetupYes(MacOSX10.2.4orgreateronly) BRAdminLightYes PHOTOCAPTURECENTERN/A NETWORK Standard/OptionStandard(NC-6400htype2,NC-7200wtype2) ModelNameN/A SharePrinterYes ShareScannerYes SharePCFAXYes InternetFAX(ITUT.37...
Unprintable area when printing from a computer 2 When using the driver the printable area is smaller than the paper size, as shown below. Portrait Landscape 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Windows® printer driver and BRScript Driver for Windows® Macintosh® printer driver and Macintosh® Portrait ...
For WIA, 1200x1200 resolution. Brother Scanner Utility enables resolutions up to 19200 x 19200 dpi. *4 PaperPort™14SE supports Windows 7, Windows8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. For the latest driver updates, go to your model'sDownloadspage on the Brother Solutions Center atsup...
themachinedriversetting. Thetrayinwhichunsupportedpapersizeisloadedisselectedforduplexprinting. Errorcode9A ManualFeed LoadPaper NopaperisloadedintheMPtray.(MPpaperemptysensorfailstobeturnedON.) Thiserrordoesnotusuallyoccurinthenormaluse.Theconceivablecausesarenoisearound theinstallationsite,fluctuationofthepowersupp...
Driver for Mac OS X 10.3.9 or greater BR-Script 3 (PPD file for Mac OS® X 10.3.9 or greater) Linux Linux printer driver for CUPS printing system (x86, x64 environment) Linux printer driver for LPD/LPRng printing system (x86, x64 environment) Utility N/A Driver Deployment Wizard ...