It seems to me that you might have imported the IP incorrectly, as one of your files could not be found: [Vivado 12-818] No files matched 'c:/Users/Paul.Riley/Desktop/ZCU_104_Design/project_1/project_1.srcs/sources_1/bd/config_mpsoc/ip/config_mpsoc_v_frmbuf_rd_1_0/config_mpsoc_...
Hello, I am trying to build your project but when I run the build_static_design.tcl, i get an error. Here is the error. ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: File 'c:/Users/xxxxxx/AppData/Roaming/Xilinx/Vivado/Static/top.dcp' does not ex...
Having a knowledge of the external design allows the constraints to be set based on the design (not an artificial estimate or default value). Vivado needs information embedded in the XCI to correctly do memory initialization Update_mem does not work with a DCP as it needs hierarchy information...
Having a knowledge of the external design allows the constraints to be set based on the design (not an artificial estimate or default value). Vivado needs information embedded in the XCI to correctly do memory initialization Update_mem does not work with a DCP as it needs hierarchy information...