DCP Capital ("DCP") is a Greater China-focused private equity firm. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore DCP Capital's full profile.
DCP is an M&A advisory firm specializing in transaction execution & target pipeline development, with specific expertise in supporting private equity firms.
Previous Next News. More News Feb 24, 2023 DCP Signs Exclusive Investment in Jamieson Wellness, Canada's Number One Consumer Health Brand DCP Capital (“DCP”) announced today that it has reached agreement on an exclusive investment in Jami... ...
亚洲私募基金公司DCP Capital主导的收购集团即将宣布收购前程无忧的交易,估值约53亿美元。(彭博)
知情人士表示,中国投资有限责任公司支持对百胜中国控股有限公司进行收购的潜在交易。中国的主权财富基金中投公司,前KKR & Co.高管运营的投资公司DCP Capital,是与高瓴资本一起一个财团的成员,这个财团正考虑收购百胜中国。霸菱亚洲投资基金也在加入这个投资者团体,团体中也包括KKR。百胜中国在中国这个全球人口最多的国家...
Managing Director, Genstar Capital “We’ve found DCP to be an important and valued partner to many of Genstar’s portfolio companies where M&A is a meaningful component of the overall growth strategy.” Mike Davis Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Appriss “DCP has operated as a strategic...
The Exposed DC Photography Collection originated as part of DCist, a local news site, and has since grown into a photography exhibition showcasing life in the nation’s capital. The collection draws from 18 annual Exposed DC exhibitions, featuring images that capture the city’s street life, ...
【岗位优势】 - 完整的实习生培训计划,确保实习期间的deal exposure,与团队充分的讨论和深入的沟通交流 - 表现优异者提供转正机会 - 具有竞争力的实习工资 【申请流程】 中/英简历投至career@dcpcapital.com,标题“实习-姓名-学校-年级”
DCP Capital ("DCP") is a leadingGreater Chinafocused private equity firm. The DCP team previously led KKR and Morgan Stanley's private equity business inChina, with an outstanding long-term track record across multiple cycles. Over...
Leverage and Capital Structure: DCP's leverage has been high, but continues to show improvements. Fitch Affirms DCP Midstream, LP at 'BB+'; Outlook Stable The DCP was launched by the DepEd to enhance the teacher-learning process in public schools through appropriate information and communications...