नेपाल मानवअधिकारको रक्षा र प्रवर्द्धनमा सधैँ प्रतिबद्धः परराष्ट्रमन्त्री देउवा डिसी ...
In 1951, Nepal opened its borders to the outside world for the first time in more than 100 years. Since 1846, the Rana Maharajas had kept a tight reign over Nepal, keeping it isolated from external influences. When the Maharaja was deposed, King Tribhuvan, who had escaped to India for ...
届时,国内外演讲者、政要、专家,特别是来自政府、私营部门和合作伙伴的高级代表将出席活动。 尼泊尔一直奉行宽松的外商投资政策,努力创造有利于投资的环境,以吸引外商直接投资。现诚邀有兴趣的企业参会。 更多峰会资讯,可登录官网查询了解: www.investinnepal.gov.np 活动行...
准备好获悉最精确的Mudi, 甘达基省, 尼泊尔 10 天预报,包括最高温度、最低温度和降水几率 - 尽在 The Weather Channel 和 Weather.com
SC Mobile Nepal&at=1010lJDC IOS版下载By Standard Chartered Bank出品分类: 财务 最后更新: 2025-02-28 发布日期: 2017-05-06 当前版本: 1.9.4 成人评级: 4+ 文件大小: 47.50 MB 开发人员: Standard Chartered Bank 系统平台: Mac / iPad / iPhone / 所有苹果系统 兼容性: 需要iOS 13.0 或更新....
armatum in Nepal remain unknown. To address this knowledge gap, an attempt has been made to study the population structure, distribution, and regeneration potentiality of Z. armatum. Vegetation sampling was conducted at six different localities of Salyan district along the elevation ra...
Chromosome numbers for three taxa of Saussurea DC from the Nepal Himalaya are reported here for the first time: S. nepalemis Spreng., S. taraxacifolia (Royle) DC. var glabrescens K. Fujikawa & H. Ohba and S. wernerioides Sch Bip, ex Hook f. were all found to be diploid with 2n...
Transitional Justice in Nepal: A Look at the International Experience of Truth Commissions. United States Institute of Peace. Sept. 2007.Cochran-Budhathoki, K., & Scott, W. (2007, September 1). Transitional Justice in Nepal: A Look at the International Experience of Truth Commission. Washington...
Zanthoxylum armatum DC.: Current knowledge, gaps and opportunities in NepalZanthoxylum armatumTimurPhytochemistryPharmacologyBiological activitiesEthnopharrnacological relevance: Zanthoxylum armatum DC. possesses several medicinal properties and has been commonly used in different indigenous medicinal practices to ...
Signing and Belonging in Nepal. Erika Hoffmann‐Dilloway. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2016, xi + 190 pp. $60.00.doi:10.1111/jola.12187Hou LynnWiley/Blackwell (10.1111)Journal of Linguistic Anthropology