5. RepPoints V2 6. Dense RepPoints 1. DCNv1 BBuf:DCN V1代码阅读笔记 具体流程: offset:原始图片数据(维度是[b, h, w, c]),记为U。经过一个普通卷积,填充方式为same,对应的输出结果维度是[b, h, w, 2c],记作V。V是原始图像数据中每个像素的偏移量(因为有x 和y 两个方向,所以是2c); 将...
15 class _DCNv2(Function): 16 @staticmethod add torch 1.7 support 2 years ago 17 def forward(ctx, input, offset, mask, weight, bias, stride, padding, dilation, deformable_groups): (((add pytorch 1.0 support))) 4 years ago 18 ctx.stride = _pair(stride) 19 ctx.padding = _pa...
dcn_v2_forward(input, weight, bias, offset, mask, ctx.kernel_size[0], ctx.kernel_size[1], ctx.stride[0], ctx.stride[1], ctx.padding[0], ctx.padding[1], ctx.dilation[0], ctx.dilation[1], ctx.deformable_groups) ctx.save_for_backward(input, offset, mask, weight, bias...
forward 方法负责处理多组输入数据。它将输入 x 按照组数进行分割,并对每一组调用 forward_fast_kan 方法,最后将所有组的输出拼接在一起。文件中还定义了三个子类,分别是 FastKANConv3DLayer、FastKANConv2DLayer 和FastKANConv1DLayer,它们分别继承自 FastKANConvNDLayer,并在构造函数中指定了相应的卷积类型(3D、...
0 --- Input size (MB): 0.75 Forward/backward pass size (MB): 25.59 Params size (MB): 0.61 Estimated Total Size (MB): 26.95 --- /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/distributed/parallel.py:119: UserWarning: Currently not a parallel execution enviro...
many deep learning models in production still rely on traditional feed-forward neural networks to learn feature crosses inefficiently. In light of the pros/cons of DCN and existing feature interaction learning approaches, we propose an improved framework DCN-V2 to make DCN more practical in large-...
InternImage通过重新设计算子和模型结构提升了卷积模型的可扩展性并且缓解了归纳偏置,包括(1)DCNv3算子,基于DCNv2算子引入共享投射权重、多组机制和采样点调制。 (2)基础模块,融合先进模块作为模型构建的基本模块单元 (3)模块堆叠规则,扩展模型时规范化模型的宽度、深度、组数等超参数。
DCN-Mix(a mixture of low-rank DCN)是基于DCN-V2的改进版,它提出使用矩阵分解来降低DCN-V2的时间空间复杂度,又引入多次矩阵分解来达到类似混合专家网络MOE的效果从而提升交叉层的表征能力,若读者对DCN-V2不甚了解可以参考上一节特征交叉系列:Deep&Cross(DCN-V2)理论和实践做知识铺垫。