首先,检查您的操作系统版本是否与 dcm2niix 的兼容性相匹配。对于 Linux 用户来说,推荐使用 Ubuntu 或者 CentOS 等主流发行版;macOS 用户则无需过多担心,因为 dcm2niix 已经针对 macOS 进行了优化;至于 Windows 平台上的使用者,至少需要 Windows 7 及以上版本才能顺利运行此工具。此外,考虑到医学影像数据处理过程...
This software should run on macOS, Linux and Windows typically without requiring any other software. However, if you use dcm2niix to create gz-compressed images it will be faster if you havepigzinstalled. You can get a version of both dcm2niix and pigz compiled for your operating system ...
the latest code from the script below. For Windows computers you can clickon the green "AppVeyor" icon on the dcm2niix Github home page, then click the "artifacts" button to get a compiled copy of the most recent commit. $ git clone https://github.com/lab/dcm2niix.git $ cd ...
依存关系 该软件通常应在macOS,Linux和Windows上运行,而无需任何其他软件。 但是,如果使用dcm2niix创建gz压缩的映像,则安装后将会更快。 您可以通过下载获得针对您的操作系统编译的dcm2niix和pigz的版本。 版本号 。 跑步 命令行用法在中进行了描述。 最小的命令行调用是dcm2niix /path/to/dicom/folder 。
Get Source (C) Your Rating Sign in to rate this program Technical Details Platforms Linux, Mac, Windows Function Convert Interfaces Command Line, GUI Read Formats DICOM, PAR/REC Write Format NIFTI Specialities CT, DTI, MRI, PET Language C Included in MRICroGL ido...
dcm2niix旨在将神经影像数据从DICOM格式转换为NIfTI格式。 该网页包含开发源代码包含Linux,MacOS和Windows的最新稳定版本的编译版本。 该软件的完整手册以的形式提供。 执照 该软件是开源的。 BSD许可证涵盖了大部分代码。 有些单位是公共领域(nifti *。*,miniz.c)或使用MIT许可证(ujpeg.cpp)。 有关更多详细信息...
windows任务栏透明工具 2025-03-17 00:28:19 积分:1 SCPI控制设备的demo 2025-03-17 00:23:05 积分:1 pandas-1.1.5-cp36-cp36m-win-amd64.rar 2025-03-17 00:07:26 积分:1 Buildroot的用户手册 2025-03-17 00:05:00 积分:1 GDAL-3.0.4-cp36-cp36m-win-amd64.whl 2025-03-17...
Build command line version with cmake (Linux, MacOS, Windows) cmake and pkg-config (optional) can be installed as follows: Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install cmake pkg-config MacOS: brew install cmake pkg-config Basic build: git clone https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix.git cd dcm2niix...
Restores/improves building for the Windows operating system using MinGW. 30-Sept-2016 Save ImageType (0x0008,0x0008) to BIDS. Separate CT scans with different exposures. Fixed issues where some compilers would generate erratic filenames for zero-padded series (e.g. "-f %3s"). 21-Sept-2016...
If you use the (obsolete) compiler MinGW on Windows you will want to include the rare libgcc libraries with your executable so others can use it. Here I also demonstrate the optional "-DmyDisableZLib" to remove zip support. g++ -O3 -s -DmyDisableOpenJPEG -DmyDisableZLib -I. main_console...