1.选中目标dcm文件(series或patient),然后按步骤点击软件界面左上角“File”—>”Export”—>”To a picture file”,打开对话框,如上图,标黄栏表示设置文件转换后要保存的位置。 dcm格式转换成jpg 2.上图标黄栏分别是current image(当前图像)、current series(当前系列)、current patient(当前病人)等。 Current ...
is a file format from the 'lossy image' class of image formats. Many devices including smartphones with inbuilt cameras and professional digital SLR cameras support the JPEG/Exif file format natively. Such support allow images captured on these devices to be stored directly into the jpg format ...
1.选中目标dcm文件(series或patient),然后按步骤点击软件界面左上角“File”—>”Export”—>”To a picture file”,打开对话框,如上图,标黄栏表示设置文件转换后要保存的位置。 dcm格式转换成jpg 2.上图标黄栏分别是current image(当前图像)、current series(当前系列)、current patient(当前病人)等。 Current ...
JPGpath = d+"\T1jpg\\"+files+".jpg" #将JPG保存到此文件夹 data = pydicom.read_file(DCMpath) #使用pydicom读取DCM文件 img = data.pixel_array #使用pydicom读取图像数据 imageio.imsave(JPGpath,img) #保存JPG图像到out_path 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15...
fileOutputStream.write(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray()); }catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }/** * * 实现单文件的dcm转jpg * @param src dcm文件流 * @param name oss的getFileName * @throws Exception*/publicByteArrayOutputStream convert(InputStream src, String name) ...
要将DCM文件转换为JPG文件,可以按照以下步骤进行: 读取DCM文件: 使用pydicom库读取DCM文件。这个库可以帮助我们访问DICOM文件中的图像数据和其他元数据信息。 python import pydicom filename = 'path_to_your_dicom_file.dcm' ds = pydicom.dcmread(filename) 将DCM文件中的数据转换为图像格式: 从DICOM文件中提取...
Select «JPG» as the target format. Click «Convert» to start converting DCM to JPG. It only takes a few seconds. 3 Done! Your DCM file has been converted to JPG format. You can download it to your device. .dcmDCM converter ...
This is a online tool for convert dcm files to jpg file. You can view the jpg in anywhere. Input Formats: dcm Output Formats: jpg Options Setting: Drag & Drop files here From URL: Add allowedTypes:dcm,dicom (*This site does not store user uploaded files, all uploaded and converted...
string filePath BufferedImage image } JPG { string outputPath } DICOM ||--o| JPG : converts to 序列图 下面是 DICOM 转换为 JPG 的序列过程图: DicomToJpgUserDicomToJpgUser 结尾 通过以上步骤,你可以轻松地将 DICOM 格式的图像转换为 JPG 格式。首先需要引入必要的库,然后加载 DICOM 文件,提取图像,...
public static void toImage(File src, File target) { ImageInputStream iis = null; BufferedImage bi; OutputStream out = null; try{ iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(src); imageReader.setInput(iis, false); bi = imageReader.read(0); // 获取图片后缀名 String formatName = FileUtils.getFi...