FX168财经报社(香港)讯 Finance Magnates周六(7月13日)报道称,TrueDigital Holdings(TDH)今天表示已与交易执行机构trueEX签署原则性协议,以收购其指定合约市场(DCM)和掉期执行机构(SEF)的注册资质。 TrueDigital之前曾作为trueEx的附属子公司运营,促进了利率掉期交易。 在CFTC监管部门批准之前,TrueDigital宣布计划利用tru...
Two Applications Pending for DCM Status with CFTCChristopher Faille, Reporter
【2】美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)上周五发布的最新报告显示,截至3月6日当周,对冲基金和基金经理转而增持COMEX黄金期货净多头头寸逾5000手至183,823手。之前投资者曾一度减持逾1.2万手多头头寸。 美原油方面: 【1]美国WTI 4月原油期货电子盘价格上周五(3月9日)收盘上涨2.0美元,涨幅3.33%,报62.12美元/桶。油价...
The article reports that the Green Exchange has applied for a designated contract market status with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in the U.S. If an approval is given, the exchange owned by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group will be able to futures and options based on ...
CFTC Extends Deadline of Oral Recording Requirements for Asset Managers and CTAs Holding SEF or DCM Membership to December 31, 2014Akshay N. BelaniDaniel N. BudofskyJoshua B. SterlingKatherine Dobson