Currently, the DCL model still has library systems and multi-type library consortia dealing with publishers on a one-to-one basis. Accustomed to working with distributors, the largest publishers may be unwilling to accept this model. But, as a growing number of libraries test the concept, their...
The Douglas County libraries (DCL), CO, pioneering model for purchasing ebooks directly from publishers is gaining a significant amount of traction. Colorado's Marmot Library Net work and Anythink Libraries, Wake County Public Libraries (WCPL), NC, and eiNetwork libraries in Penn sylvania's ...
dcls.orgの上位代替サイトを明らかにし、潜在的なまたは新興の競合を見つける。 は、 との類似性スコアが最も高いウェブサイトです。その理由を明らかにする - ここをクリックすべての競合を分析する ...
If someone were to give us an ebook, do we have the tools to receive it, to integrate it into...By SendzeMoniquevan CourtLaurie