免费软件HCFR搭配《R.Masciola’s HDR-10 UHD Test Patterns Suite》调试HDR的P3色域,虽然可以做,但是已经非常非常的力不从心了,这软件设计之初就不是干这个的,我也只能一边摸索着一边调整,折腾了2个晚上,也仅仅只是用它调好了HDR下的6色,灰阶完全没法动,调整到任何色温数据之后,曲线完全以我不能理解的方式发生...
The sRGB gamut coverage was good, but the DCI-P3 is even better, with a much more accurate white point for this color space really helping the average error level here. But take a good look at the actual white point in the image, which is the square inside the triangle...
DCI-P3 covers a 25% larger area of the chromaticity diagram, a figure that’s pretty similar to AdobeRGB. As opposed to AdobeRGB’s green-cyan bias, however, P3’s gains are more evenly spread out across all three primary colors. In practice, this means that DCI-P3 displays can output...
which need the higher gamma value to compensate for the bulb's characteristics. Most DCI-P3 PC monitors opt for 2.2 gamma instead. (That’s why 2.2 gamma is the ideal we test for in ourmonitor reviews). That may more accurately be considered Display P3, but you’ll rarely see displays ...
DCI基于双盲图像测评结果调整HDR电影技术指标 D C I 基于双盲图像测评结果调整H D R 电影技术指标 在电影放映领域,不管是传统投影显示方式还 是新型自发光显示方式,高动态范围(H D R )技术均可为增强影院观影体验提供新的契机,但H D R 的高质量应用需要合理规范的技术参数作指导,因此数字电影倡导组织(D C I ...
N8是JVC今年在中高端家庭影院市场之中的重磅机型,除了采用JVC新一代原生4K的D-ILA显示芯片之外,更具备了符合DCI-P3色准级别的色彩还原表现,称得上是目前最具看点的高端投影力作,令不少影音发烧友垂涎三尺。 主要机身功能特征与遥控器分析 从外观上来看,金环镶边的65mm直径镜头无疑是全黑机身中的一个亮点,采用了...
The 32" UHD monitor from Samsung is equipped with DCI-P3, HDR & USB type-C to boost your viewing experience. Learn more about the UHD monitor with Samsung KSA.
The sRGB gamut coverage was good, but the DCI-P3 is even better, with a much more accurate white point for this color space really helping the average error level here. But take a good look at the actual white point in the image, which is the square inside the triangle. On this color...
test are defined such that they should always be the same regardless of the color space, and so the fact that I've targeted sRGB has no change on the test outcome. For reference, changing the target to the P3 gamut produced an average DeltaE of 1.56, and I did that test at a later...