The AF DCGS Owning the Technical Baseline (OTB) effort will be the MBSE/DSM case study and focus of this paper. We will also address the practical challenges involved with standing up a DSM on a large and complex weapon system.Vinodini Sundaram...
Presents updates on the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System, Common Ground Station (CGS), Joint Tactical Terminal and the Distribution Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A) of the U.S. Army as of April 2003. Integration of Joint Tactical Terminal-Senior into the CGS; Requirements-de...
一、采购货物名称:10kV高压充电电源 二、拟采购货物的说明及预算 (一)拟采购货物的说明 名称 数量 技术参数 功能 预算(万元) 10kV高压充电电源 1 该高压直流充电电源主要用于脉冲调制器的PFN负载电容充电。电源最高工作电压不低于10kV, 充电频率1Hz~50Hz,充电时间小于1ms,充电电压幅度重复性在30min内小于等于30ppm。
问题描述:医生你好,我家宝宝八个月零十六天,我刚意识到一款空调的遥控器从他出生至今一直在床头放着,恰好是宝宝睡觉的头顶,这款遥控器在晚上是带夜光的,请问这样会不会影响我家宝宝的视力或眼睛其他方面呢?(男,8个月) 分析及建议: 意见详情:遥控器红外光对眼睛有损伤,宝宝小,视力正在发育期,建议避免不必要的刺...