不过最近关于#RestoreSnyderVerse暗流涌动,扎导在Vero平台上与粉丝积极互动,DCEU相关的演员们也在与粉丝们积极互动。这是否意味着扎导的宇宙重建有望?甚至是华纳电影官方也赞同了粉丝在推特上的推文,该粉丝称:“扎导的《正义联盟》中的亚马逊战士是如此优秀!伙计们”华纳电影部则表示:“同意!” #ReleaseTheSnyderCut导...
自 2017 年DCEU 电影《正义联盟》(Justice League)失利以来,粉丝便开始积极争取近三年的#ReleaseTheSnyderCut,并且终于在今年 5 月时正式宣布《正义联盟》扎克·施奈德剪辑版将于明年上架到 HBO MAX 平台上映。而好消息一出后,便有不少粉丝开始期待著该电影剪辑版是否会与之后的DCEU 电影有所联结,对此扎克·...
自2017 年DCEU 電影《正義聯盟》(Justice League)失利以來,粉絲便開始積極爭取近三年的#ReleaseTheSnyderCut,並且終於在今年 5 月時正式宣布《正義聯盟》史奈德剪輯版將於明年上架到 HBO MAX 平台上映。 而好消息一出後,便有不少粉絲開始期待著該電影剪輯版是否會與之後的DCEU 電影有所連結,對此查克史奈德(Zack ...
it worse, Superman didn't even take the whole thing, Doomsday sucked a humungous part of the explosion and couldn't hold it inside his body, needing to release the excess energy, which was enough to devastate a few miles across, which means that he took WAY more than 50% of the ...
The film’s theatrical cut is now considered one of the worst films in the DCEU, costing the studio $60 million and resulting in a four-year campaign to releaseZack Snyder’s Justice League. At this point, the film is now known as a worst-case example of what happens when a studio ...
The DCEU's original slate, announced in 2014, and spearheaded by Zack Snyder, was extremely promising, with a clear plan connecting all the films together, leading to a big event. Of the 9 films announced, only 5 have been made, withThe Flashset to finally release next year. In recent...
worldwide, and it helped pave the way for more heroines to get their due on the big screen. The sequel,Wonder Woman 1984, was hit by a pandemic release and the fact that it just wasn’t as good as the original. But that doesn’t diminish the accomplishment ofWonder Womanin the DCEU...
However, the future of the DCEU is in jeopardy in part because of Warner Bros. caving to the demand fromfans (and bots)over theSnyder Cut ofJustice League.The decision to finish that extended version and release it to streaming caused a massive shake-up at the studio, which resulted in ...
導演查克史奈德(ZackSnyder)在今日稍早於播客節目ComicBookDebate中,談及了關於《查克史奈德之正義聯盟》(ZackSnyder'sJusticeLeague)之後的發展,除了提到 ...