Large institutional series comparing long-term outcome after LTx between donors after circulatory death (DCD) vs brain death (DBD) are scarce. Between 01/01/2007-01/08/2012, 307 LTx were performed (266DBD/41DCD). Donor selection, lung preservation, operative technique, and post-LTx management...
目前的供体来源分为以下几种:DBD (donation after brain death)传统的脑死亡后捐赠;DCD (donation after circulatory death)循环死亡供体;Living donor 活体捐献。既往对移植器官衰竭的研究表明,DCD肝脏因缺血时间延长而更容易发生血栓事件。众多meta分析亦表明,DCD移植受体的肝衰竭和再次移植的几率增加。基于供体来源与患...
Hence, pancreata with extended donor criteria are rarely considered for transplantation. The purpose of this study was to compare transplant outcome between donation after cardiac death (DCD) vs donation after brain death (DBD).*Methods: All primary simultaneous pancreas/kidney (SPK) transplants...
Transcriptional signatures in donor lungs from donation after cardiac death vs after brain death: A functional pathway analysis Lung donation after cardiac death (DCD), in contrast to donation after brain death (DBD), is a promising and increasingly common method to help relieve the... HK Chang...
a deceased donor kidney receive their kidney from brain-dead heart-beating (donation after brain-stem death or DBD) donors, but in recent years there has, in several countries, been a marked increase in the number of transplants using kidneys from donation after circulatory death (DCD) donors...
目前的供体来源分为以下几种:DBD ( donation after brain death)传统的脑死亡后捐赠;DCD (donation after circulatory death)循环死亡供体;Living donor 活体捐献。既往对移植器官衰竭的研究表明,DCD肝脏因缺血时间延长而更容易发生血栓事件。众多meta分析亦表明,DCD移植受体的肝衰竭和再次移植的几率增加。基于供体来源与...
Donation after circulatory death (DCD) has the potential to expand the lung donor pool. We aimed to assess whether DCD affected the need for perioperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and perioperative outcomes in lung transplantation (LTx) as compared to donation after brain death (...
DCD donation involves a variable period of donor physiological instability prior to asystole. This combined with a 'stand off' period of warm ischaemia, before cannulation and in situ cold perfusion, has potential negative impact on patient and graft outcomes. It is known that the use ...
Donation after cardiac death (DCD) has emerged in the last two decades to increase the donor pool, classically composed by donation after brain death (DBD). Uncontrolled DCD (uDCD) is popular in scarce countries; these kidneys have a higher ischemic risk due to longer cold ischemia time, ...
The expectation is that a Donation after Brain Death donor (DBD) will become available within a reasonable time frame. This is, unfortunately, not always the case in regions with high median MELD at transplant, and patients with a high MELD continue to experience waitlist mo...